The Installation & Characterization of the Coronagraphic Upgrade to the Extreme Adaptive Optics Test Bed Darrius Robinson
Extra Solar Planets Orbit stars other than the sun Belong of planetary system As of Aug 2006, over 200 known exo-planets First published detection in 1988 Referred to as Young Jupiter Planets STAR
Current Methods Of Detection Astrometry Radial Velocity Pulsar Timing Transit Method Gravitational micro-lensing Circumstellar disks
Current Problem: Direct Imaging Technique Lack of consistent Direct Imaging Detection Technique Light from stars prevent us from viewing planets Large contrast difference between stars and planets
Visible VS Infrared
Ultimate Goal
My Contribution Measuring & Cutting Optical Fiber Cables Installation of Components on LAO Testbed Adding Shifts to IDL Code Adding of Various Apertures to Code Actual Testing & Collection of Data
Current Adaptive Optics Testbed Setup
Light & Diffraction Suppression Pupil Plane Focal Plane P O S T - C R N A G H P R E - C O N A G H Camera Plane Pupil Plane
Coronagraph Input & Lyot Stop
Various Lyot Stop Sizes 5 Pixels 10 Pixels 15 Pixels 20 Pixels 25 Pixels 30 Pixels 35 Pixels 40 Pixels
Simulated VS Actual
Contrast Plot with Cat’s Eye (Pre Coronagraph)
Contrast Plot with & without Coronagraph Input Intensity Distance From Center (λ/D)
Acknowledgements Scott Severson Darren Dillon Don Gavel Katie M