LAMAS Working Group 13-14 June 2018 Agenda Item 2.1 Main changes to be implemented in the future LFS under the IESS Framework Regulation
Objective of the presentation Give an overview of all main changes already discussed by LAMAS over the last years – but not to re-open discussion Prepare for the discussion of the IESS implementating measure on the LFS to start in July 2018 Inform LAMAS about main steps in this process before discussion in DSS/ESSC
Key changes in view of the modernised LFS (1) Content of the future LFS Core LFS (quarterly, annual, biennial, eight yearly) Ad-hoc subjects Detailed topics/list of variables/ explanatory notes (2) Sampling/Weighting Sampling frame; uniform sample distribution; precision requirements; Q/Y overlap Weighting: reference population, weighting and consistency requirements (3) Fieldwork Target population; Minimum set of variables for household sub-sampling; Computer-assisted mode of data collection; Use of a fixed reference week; Use of administrative data; Compulsory imputation for monthly pay (4) Definitions and their implementation Usual resident population; private household; treatment of conscripts and tertiary students Employment and unemployment (in line with 19th ICLS; flowcharts; recovery sub-module; simplified rules)
Key changes in view of the modernised LFS (5) Improved timeliness and new LFS IT chain - Improved timeliness of quarterly and other micro-data - Use of a corporate validation system - Streamlining of datasets and their contents: four quarterly and one annual dataset (6) Quality reporting - Two reports (quarterly and combined annual/regular/ad-hoc module report) - Introduction of transmission deadlines for quality reports (7) Break in time series exercise - Methodological approach is a national responsibility - Coordinated dissemination at EU/national level - Dissemination at EU level of all country data in May 2022 at the latest - Member States to transmit at least one correction factor (OR full time series from 2009Q1 to 2020Q4) for 14 series by December 2021
Key changes in view of the modernised LFS Key changes included in: (1) Framework regulation (2) Common Acts (Rolling planning; Act on common concepts and variables; Act on quality – Act on sampling frames at a later stage) (3) LFS implementing regulation: First implementing measure including key elements of the LFS core plus regular module implemented in 2021 (migrants) Second implementing measure including the other five regular modules plus the ad-hoc subject on job skills
(3) First LFS implementing regulation: discussion in TF3/LAMAS July 2018: written consultation of LAMAS 13/14 September 2018: discussion of the most problematic articles/annexes (based on LAMAS written consultation) Revised text discussed in the LAMAS-LFS meeting to take place in November/December 2018 Beginning of 2019: new LAMAS meeting if needed All elements included in the regulation have already been discussed/agreed Then discussion in DSS/ESSC before adoption at the end of 2019
(2) Common Acts: discussion in LAMAS Common Acts are mainly a responsibility of the DSS But have implications on the LFS implementing acts: No discussion in TF3 Discussion in the LAMAS meeting of November/December 2018 based on a written consultation of LAMAS launched in the second half of September 2018 Big issues (if any) brought to the DSS
LAMAS members are asked to take note/comment on: The main changes discussed by LAMAS to modernise the LFS The calendar of the LAMAS discussions on the first implementing measure of the IESS FR on the LFS and on the common acts