Round One Revisions
Trade Poem with Partner(s) Read the poem - make no markings Read the poem again At the end, write down what you think is the purpose & the message Highlight a line or section you like the best - explain why you like it Bracket a line or section that needs some work - explain, as best you can, what is awkward about it If time, identify a poetic device and explain if it enhances the message or is awkward
Discussion Things to bring up: What do you like about the poem? What does the author need to consider changing? If you were a member of the audience, what would be going through your mind during the performance? Any last comments?
For Monday... Bring 2 copies of your poem (per person in your group) SO, each person needs 2 copies of his/her poem!
Round Two Revisions
Trade Poem with Partner(s) Analyzing a Poem’s Meaning Partner One read aloud his poem while Partner Two follows along silently. Partner Two reads aloud her poem while Partner One follows along silently. Then, on your own, complete the following: 1. What is the message of this poem? 2. Write down direct quotations from the poem that support the author’s message. 3. Circle the purpose of the poem Defend a position/person Critique a position/person Comment on society Share an opinion
5. Circle any sound devices that are used in the poem 4. Is the message of the poem impactful? Meaning, do you care? Does the poem make you feel anything emotionally? Please explain this. 5. Circle any sound devices that are used in the poem alliteration assonance consonance rhyme rhythm repetition 6. Do these sound devices stand out, or did you have to really search for them? (Or, are there none?) 7. Highlight on the poem any figurative language used 8. Choose one example and write it here: 9. Explain how the figurative language enhances (makes better) the poem 10. LASTLY! Underline on the poem examples of strong word choice.