Workshop on fire protection for physics research facilities – FCC study collaboration Tuesday 20 June 2017 – Wednesday 21 June 2017 The 4th workshop on fire protection for physics research facilities is arranged 20th-21st June at the ESS construction site. The workshop is based on a contractual agreement between ESS, CERN, FemiLab, DESY, MAXIV and LTH to provide for research activities and studies for optimization in the preliminary design of the future circular collider project at CERN. ESS is responsible to provide for studies primarily applicable also on ESS construction safety cases. Those safety cases are implemented in the ESS-0004722 “Fire- and explosion safety program”. For successful progress, regular meetings are held as video meetings. At some occasions, we arrange for workshop meetings to enable to also open up for more people and organisations to participate, e.g. regulators and suppliers. The work structure follows the IAEA “defence in depth” approach; 1) to prevent fires from starting, 2) to detect and quickly extinguish those fires that do start and 3) to prevent the spread of those fires which have not been extinguished. Fredrik Jörud 19-08-06
Program Individual presentations List of participants Safety and Site visit Fredrik Jörud
10 min
5 min
1 min
0 min