Apc2 localization and centrosome orientation are altered in Lar mutant GSCs. (A-B′) Apc2 (white, A,B; red, A′,B′) localization in wild-type (A,A′) and Lar451/Lar2127 mutant (B,B′) GSCs from 0- to 1-day-old adult Drosophila testes. Apc2 localization and centrosome orientation are altered in Lar mutant GSCs. (A-B′) Apc2 (white, A,B; red, A′,B′) localization in wild-type (A,A′) and Lar451/Lar2127 mutant (B,B′) GSCs from 0- to 1-day-old adult Drosophila testes. Anti-Vasa (green, A′,B′) marks germ cells. (C-D″) Localization of Apc2 (white, C,D; red, C′,D′) in homozygous Lar451 (arrows, C-C″) and Lar2127 (arrows, D-D″) mutant GSC clones 5 days PCI as compared with neighboring heterozygous control GSCs (arrowheads). Homozygous mutant GSCs (green outline, C″,D″) are detected by the absence of anti-GFP immunostaining (green, C′,D′; white C″,D″). Orange solid lines indicate cortical sites in GSCs with prominent Apc2 localization. The star indicates the Hub. (E,F) Quantitation of GSCs with Apc2 localization to the hub-GSC interface versus GSCs with Apc2 localization distributed more broadly over the GSC cortex in (E) GSCs from wild-type versus Lar451/Lar2127 mutant testes and (F) heterozygous and homozygous FRT40A, Lar451 and Lar2127 GSCs. (G,H) Quantitation of GSCs with oriented versus misoriented centrosomes in GSCs with two centrosomes (G) from wild-type versus Lar451/Lar2127 mutant testes and (H) in heterozygous and homozygous FRT40A, Lar451 and Lar2127 GSCs. N, number of GSCs scored for each genotype. P-values of Fisher’s exact test (two-tailed) are shown. Scale bars: 25 μm. Shrividhya Srinivasan et al. Development 2012;139:1381-1390 © 2012.