Written by Dylan Canterna Earle Dickson Written by Dylan Canterna
Biography Earle Dickson was born on October 10,1892,Grandview,Tennessee . He spent his days buying cotton at Johnson and Johnson. He then invented the band-aid.He married Jacalin Dickson. After his achievement he was offered vice president until his retirement in 1957 . Earle Dickson died September 21 ,1961 in Kitchener , Canada.
Invention Earle Dickson invented the band-aid . Earle invented the band-aid first for his wife out of gauze ,tape ,and cotten. Then he introduced it to Johnson and Johnson . After that they brought it to market . After that the band-aid was popular and was everywhere . Everybody was using them even young girls ,and boys to men ,and women . Earl ended up being one of the worlds most important people . Especially to people that cut themselves a lot . Earle was so honored he was offered to be president of the company until his retirement . The evolution of the band-aid is still around .
Advertisement Johnson and Johnson CO. The First First Aid Kit!! 10 cents Get your Band-aids!
References www.google.com www.band-aid.com