Quantitative Issues: Re-Use


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Presentation transcript:

Quantitative Issues: Re-Use Way Forward Manuel Sapiano

Introduction ATG on Water Reuse Planned Actions: Reuse in integrated water planning and management Minimum quality requirements for water reuse in irrigation and aquifer recharge Water reuse in industrial activities Support to research and innovation in water reuse EU funds for investments in water reuse ATG Leads: DG ENV, MT, ES ATG members: AT, BE, CY, DE, EE, ES, FI, FR, HR, HU, IT, LU, MT, NL, PT, UK, CEEP, CEFIC, COPA-COGECA, ECBA, EEB, EURAQUA, EURELECTRIC, EUREAU, EUWMA, HEA

Introduction Working Method Development of a guidance document on water reuse planning and management Broad consultation with interested CIS WG (Chemicals and Groundwater) undertaken in January/February 2016 Draft Guidance Document to be presented to SCG in its next meeting (2-3 May) (ii) Minimum quality requirements to be developed by the JRC Elaborated version of the technical proposal is expected to be available in late summer. (iii) Other actions developed by the Commission on industrial water reuse, innovation and funding No specific deliverables are envisaged – ATG meetings however provide an opportunity for the exchange of information about related developments.

Guidance Document Contents: Introduction Definitions: what is water reuse? Different potential sources and uses for reuse of treated water The benefits and risks of reusing treated wastewater Ensuring the reuse of treated wastewater is consistent with EU water law Planning for the reuse of treated wastewater Protecting public health and the environment Public Participation and engagement with stakeholders Funding water reuse schemes

Guidance Document – Chapter 3 Water reuse for environmental purposes includes recharging aquifers. This technique can also be used to store treated wastewater in the winter months, in order to better address the demand during the summer. Given aquifer recharge has many advantages (combating saline intrusion, negligible evaporation, little secondary contamination by animals, no algal blooms and limited pipeline construction), it is often an alternative to conventional surface water storage. However, the practice of groundwater recharge may raise concerns depending on the quality of the water entering the groundwater, depending on the receiving water quality, hydrology and geology. There are strict requirements for the protection of groundwater quality and this is explored in Chapter 5 of this guidance which describes, inter alia, how to ensure reuse of treated wastewater (including for aquifer recharge) is compliant with the Groundwater Directive 2006/118/EC.

Guidance Document – Chapter 4 Appropriately treated wastewater use can be used to recharge aquifers and contribute to the achievement of good quantitative status of groundwaters, if it can be ensured that the chemical status is not adversely effected. Compared to conventional surface water storage, aquifer recharge has many advantages, such as negligible evaporation, little secondary contamination by animals, and no algal blooming. Recharge of aquifers can also be used to protect groundwater from saline intrusion by barrier formation in coastal regions, and controls or prevents land subsidence.

Guidance Document – Chapter 5 Water reuse schemes, therefore, should be designed to prevent or limit the introduction of pollutants to groundwater. This includes preventing/limiting any direct introduction of pollutants, and their introduction via diffuse pathways, e.g. as a result of use in agricultural irrigation, etc. Ensuring this requires an understanding of which substances are present, how they might enter a groundwater body and what might be done to prevent or limit this. Therefore, any water reuse schemes that involve aquifer recharge should ensure that there is adequate assessment and that the appropriate permitting and control measures are in place.

Technical Report Development of minimum quality requirements at EU level for water reuse in agricultural irrigation and aquifer recharge https://circabc.europa.eu/sd/a/7f2a3f12-e2f7-4866-a47c-c65a8b4a637d/WaterReuse-MinimumRequirements-JRC%20draft%20report-20160314.docx

Technical Report Contents: Introduction Framework for management of reclaimed water Recommended reclaimed water quality for agricultural irrigation Recommended reclaimed water quality for aquifer recharge 4.1 – potable aquifer recharge 4.2 – non-potable aquifer recharge 5. Contaminants of emerging concern 6. Bioassays and assessment of risk of mixtures of pollutants

Further Information Dedicated Internet WebPage (EC Website): http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/reuse.htm Dedicated CIRCA folder: https://circabc.europa.eu/w/browse/657861df-abc2-4d8a-bb4a-227e12c72dad

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