Setting Financial Goals Making A Budget Setting Financial Goals
NEEDS vs. WANTS NEEDS Essentials Food Clothing Shelter
NEEDS vs. WANTS WANTS Simply things to increase the quality of living.
To Make a Budget or NOT Make a Budget?
What is a Budget? An important step to financial security. About Choices - Choosing how to make and spend money.
Preparing a Budget Budgeting is about: Choosing how to use your money. Knowing what your income and expenses are every month.
Four Steps to Preparing a Budget Keep track of your daily spending. Determine what your monthly income and expenses are the month before they are due. Decrease spending. Increase Income.
Step 1 Keep Track of Daily Spending Control Your Money! Know where your money goes. Cut expenses to save for goals. Keep a personal spending diary. Set Your Goals Be realistic. Be specific. Have a time frame. Have a milestone.
Step 2 Income & Expenses Allowances Wages from a job Income comes from... Expenses you pay… Allowances Wages from a job Miscellaneous work Interest Investments Housing Car Payment Food & Clothing Utility Bills Child Car Entertainment
Expenses (Everything you pay for in a time period.) Fixed Expenses Car Payment Rent Flexible/ Variable Expenses Electricity Food Clothing Entertainment Periodic Expenses Insurance Subscriptions License renewals Warranties/ Service Agreements
Step 3 Find Ways to Decrease Spending Carrying little cash Controlling credit card use Not shopping for “fun” Remembering your savings goals Paying your bills on time
Step 4 Find Ways to Increase Income Get a second job or job that pays more to increase income. Use certain tax credits that can help you increase your income.
Budgeting Tools These help you manage your budget: These help you: Monthly Payment Schedule. Monthly Payment Calendar. Computer Systems. These help you: Record income in advance. Plan ahead to pay your bills.
To Make a Budget or NOT Make a Budget?
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