14 BOOK CHALLENGE Student Recommendations #13 ELA 7-8
Biography/memoir 3
Realistic Fiction 2
Realistic Fiction 2
Realistic Fiction 2 Not available at HMS
2 Realistic Fiction Not available at HMS Not available at HMS
Mystery/Horror Fiction Not available at HMS 1 Not available at HMS
Mystery/Horror Fiction 1 Not available at HMS
Historical Fiction Not available at HMS 1
Fantasy Fiction 1
Fantasy Fiction 1
Science Fiction 1
Graphic Novels 1
Non-Fiction 3 Not available at HMS
Poetry 1
Titles NOT available in HCSD Struts and Frets Firelight Lady Thief A Work in Progress Who We Are - One Direction A Pointless book iJustine Barsoom Series Brain on Fire Michael Vey 4: Hunt for the Jade Dragon UnEnchanted - an Unfortunate Fairy Tale
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Created May 2015 M. Moelbert