A: QTL analysis of genotyping data on chromosome 12 revealed a locus linked to glucose levels in F2 mice at 6 months of age at marker D12Mit231 with a peak LOD score of 2.7. A: QTL analysis of genotyping data on chromosome 12 revealed a locus linked to glucose levels in F2 mice at 6 months of age at marker D12Mit231 with a peak LOD score of 2.7. B: Two loci with potential association to glucose were identified on chromosome 14 (a broad peak between marker D14Mit55 and D14Mit52 with a LOD score of 2.2 and a narrower peak between D14Mit75 and D14Mit228 with a LOD score of 2.3). C: QTL analysis of the insulin-to-glucose ratio revealed a peak with a LOD score of 2.8 between marker D14Mit11 and D14Mit55. D: QTL analysis of insulin levels identified a peak with a LOD score of 5.6 between marker D14Mit11 and D14Mit55. E: QTL analysis of chromosome 7 for leptin revealed a peak at marker D7(12)Mit38 with a peak LOD score of 3.7. The genotyping was performed in 60 mice. Katrine Almind et al. Diabetes 2003;52:1535-1543 ©2003 by American Diabetes Association