Key Issues and Today’s Goals March 2017 SAC Meeting Key Issues and Today’s Goals
Key Issues raised by the SAC in August 2016 Timeline for final decision on observing strategy The observing strategy is never final; Andy Connolly and Zeljko Ivezic will discuss a target timeline for deciding on an initial baseline cadence. At five and a half years before the ten year survey begins, we are working on a balance between giving community information needed for community planning (e.g. early declaration of some DDFs), and resisting making statements that we cannot deliver. We are planning a flexible approach so LSST’s Observing Strategy can adapt to our evolving knowledge of both the system and of science opportunities.
Key Issues raised by the SAC in August 2016 Timeline for developing the Operations Simulator is unclear The Project holds detailed schedules for Schedule and OpSim development, but have not exposed those to the community before now. Andy Connolly will discuss a best-case scenario timeline (see discussion on staffing shuffle). Metrics may not represent the breadth of the science community’s interests Beth will discuss the suggested role of the SAC itself in addressing this question How will decisions about survey strategy be made Zeljko Ivezic and Andy Connolly will discuss this
Key Issues raised by the SAC in August 2016 Deficiency of existing metrics to measure the impact of specific cadences on DDF science Lack of simulations of 2011 DDF proposals Working on the efficiency and science impact of the wide-fast-deep footprint is the Project’s priority. Over the coming year, the Project will assess DDFs on a best-effort basis. Timing and Process for Selecting DDF Cadences and/or Additional DDFs Andy Connolly will discuss this after lunch Plans for Commissioning Data Release Provided a summary document. Will discuss in the afternoon.
Goals from the Project for this SAC meeting Observing Strategy React to discussion of DDFs, mini-surveys, Director’s Discretionary time Advise on prioritization of limited resources to devote to software development, generating simulations, and synthesizing results – with focus on the wide-fast-deep survey footprint Advise on - What are the most important things about the observing strategy the community must know to prepare for LSST, and exactly when (ideally) should these things be known? Discuss suggested roles of the SAC in reading the Community White Paper, and in reacting to the breadth of science representation
Goals from the Project for this SAC meeting Commissioning Data React to commissioning plans Endorse the commissioning data policy React to the commissioning review feedback, that relates to the SAC and community