Council Member Responsibilities Attend quarterly council meetings held in January, April, July, and October of each year to assure a quorum. 15 members are needed for a quorum Prepare for Council and Committee meetings by reading the agendas and supporting material. Donna Attend quarterly council meetings held in January, April, July, and October of each year. It is important that Council members attend meetings because of the very important work the Council does. As a Council member, you represent people who have never had a real voice in how the vital services and supports they need are designed, funded, provided and delivered. The DD Council serves as the voice for all people in Louisiana with disabilities and their families, and, as a Council member, you are responsible for making sure that their voices are heard. In this role you are automatically one of the most important advocates on behalf of people with disabilities in the state. This is a responsibility that should never be taken lightly. The value and importance of attendance and participation by every Council member at every Council meeting cannot be overemphasized. Prepare for Council and Committee meetings by reading the agendas and supporting material. It is important that you come to the meetings prepared to conduct the business of the Council. Members receive a package of materials for the upcoming meeting about 2 weeks before each meeting. Please take the time to read this information, as it will greatly help you be prepared for business the Council will be conducting.
Vote on matters during the council meetings. Participate on a standing Council Committee. Donna Vote on matters during the council meetings. As a Council member you will be required to take positions on issues of importance to people with disabilities and their families. It is important that you understand the issues and vote at every meeting. Participate on a standing Council Committee. Like many organizations, the Council does most of its work through its committees. Committees are where the five year plan is developed and funded, and where your impact as a Council member can most quickly be applied. You heard about our standing committees and some of the initiatives they are working on last night. The committee meetings are just as important as the Council meetings and attendance at them should be taken just as seriously.
Participate in orientation and training sessions held in addition to regularly scheduled Council meetings. Donna Participate in orientation and training sessions held in addition to regularly scheduled Council meetings. The importance of this is hopefully obvious to all of you. The Council does a very good job of providing orientation to new Council members that I have found to be very helpful. It is very important to attend the Wednesday night dinner program held in conjunction with the Council meeting because that is the continuing educational component we have for our Council members. We have a guest speaker then and also after lunch during the Thursday business meeting who provide a wealth of information on all kinds of programs. Tomorrow night we’re not having an educational speaker due to orientation.
Advocate for the Council’s mission and philosophy of self-determination, independence, productivity, integration and inclusion of persons with developmental disabilities in the community. Donna Advocate for the Council’s mission and philosophy of self-determination, independence, productivity, integration and inclusion of persons with developmental disabilities in the community. The Council’s mission and philosophy are very clear, and it is important that Council members understand them and advocate for them at every opportunity. It is not only important to believe in this mission and philosophy but as a Council member it is your responsibility to seek out opportunities to advocate for it by speaking to groups, visiting with legislators, and talking to people whenever you can about these values.
Read and respond to action alerts. Contact legislators and policymakers to provide information on issues affecting the lives of persons with developmental disabilities. Read and respond to action alerts. Donna Contact legislators and policymakers to provide information on issues affecting the lives of persons with developmental disabilities. It is very important that you develop a relationship with your legislators if you don’t already have one. Let your legislator know you are a member of the Council and that you and your DD Council office can be a resource for them on disability issues. The Council has a legislative action plan which calls for all council members to visit the legislators in their region and advocate for the Council’s legislative agenda. Legislative advocacy is one of the most important responsibilities of a council member. We are the leaders in the disability movement in the state and must set an example for others. If we don’t visit our legislators, how can we ask others to do so? In addition, legislative advocacy is something that results in a direct benefit to individuals and families in Louisiana Read and respond to action alerts. Throughout the year you will receive requests for action from the Council leadership or staff and from LaCAN and LaTEACH. It is very important that you make every effort to respond to the action requested. It may be to write a letter to your legislator, or call your legislator, or even go to the Capitol to attend a committee meeting. This too is a very important responsibility, and one of the most effective ways you can help to influence the system. And it is very important that council members set a good example for others by carrying out the LaCAN and LaTEACH alerts.
Share information between the Council and other organizations. Represent the Developmental Disabilities Council at events, forums, meetings, etc. in your respective communities. Donna Share information between the Council and other organizations. If you belong to other groups or organizations, share Council information with them and bring information from your group to the Council. The more information is shared between advocacy groups, the more effective the overall advocacy movement becomes. Represent the Council at events, forums, meetings, etc. in your communities. As a Council member you will have opportunities to speak at many different events. I urge you to get and stay involved with as many groups as possible, and speak on behalf of the Council and the important work we do every chance you get. We have a power point presentation you can use that talks about the DD Council.