Monday, April 8th Daily Journal (3) How do you feel you did on the rhetorical terms quiz? (we are going to grade them today) A.P. Language and Composition: (We begin Essay week- the 3rd essay of the exam Yippee!!!) Daily Journal Period 2: Rhetorical terms quiz and answers (30 point grade) Finish peer editing (final paper MUST be in by Wed. April 10th) Argumentation Essay Packet (read and annotate for class on Wed.) Period 4: Review rhetorical terms quiz Finish To Kill a Mockingbird Reading Check Homework: You need to choose your last novel to read outside of class. You must make this choice by Tuesday, April 16th. Remember that it must be about genocide-it can be fiction or non-fiction. If you need suggestions, let me know. Your reading check on this book will be Monday, May 20th.
Tuesday, April 9th Daily Journal (3) Who was your favorite character in you novel/play and why? Senior English: Daily Journal Reading check on your novel- you may use your novel, any notes that you have printed out or taken…You will have 45 minutes to write your stream of consciousness essay. I DO NOT WANT A SUMMARY- YOU NEED TO CONNECT TO THE NOVEL. You have the rest of the class period to work on your website. I have handouts explaining all of the components. Reminder: 1.Make sure that you have turned in your Whistleblower viewing packet. 2. Website design: We will also have part of our class period on Thursday and all of Monday, April 15th. 3. Start thinking about a thesis (topic of your senior paper). We will work on it in class on Thursday.
A.P. Language and Composition: Daily Journal Wednesday, April 10th Daily Journal (3) Explain ONE thing that you learned from the Argumentative Essay packet. A.P. Language and Composition: Daily Journal Review Argumentative Essay packet Quiz on Argumentative Essay packet Review Outline First Argumentative Writing Prompt
Argumentation Essay Quiz What is the argumentation essay? Explain THREE types of evidence that you can use to support your argument? How is this essay graded? Does it matter what position you take on the issue? How much time should you spend actually writing your essay? Why? Do you predict that you will do well or struggle with this essay? Why or why not?
Thesis writing on Monday (will take almost ALL period) Thursday, April 11th Daily Journal (4) Explain ONE interesting thing that you learned/enjoyed about your novel. Senior English: Daily Journal Today is a work day for your human trafficking website. You should be researching the information and including it on your google doc. Period 1: Reading Checks are graded/ I will be making comments on them and getting them back to you. Disappointed by some responses…impressed by others You will have a new seat beginning on Monday based on your reading check/book-this will be your seat for the rest of the marking period. Thesis writing on Monday (will take almost ALL period) Wednesday: Opening paragraph/website design Friday: Final website design day- due complete by Monday, April 22nd
Every group must complete the following: 1. Letter to a world leader, U.N. representative or President/CEO of a corporation that you are concerned about… (each individual student must complete this)- these letters must be submitted by Monday, April 15th 2. Webpage Design (Group- 3 people to each group) You need to decide in the group who is doing what… For each webpage, the following must be included: a. Background information on the country This must include: location, demographics, import/export b. Types of slavery in that country and why they exist in that country c. One slave story d. 3-5 visuals (video, photography, art) that represent the country and forced labor e. Idea (proposal) to raise awareness/combat slavery in that country
A.P. Language and Composition: Daily Journal Friday, April 12th Daily Journal Out of the 40 minutes, how many minutes should you spend on writing any of the A.P. essays? Why? (4) A.P. Language and Composition: Daily Journal Complete First Argumentation Essay Review Examples Self Reflect: Score your own… explain why you gave yourself the score that you did. Homework: You need to choose your last novel to read outside of class. You must make this choice by Tuesday, April 16th. Remember that it must be about genocide-it can be fiction or non-fiction. If you need suggestions, let me know. Your reading check on this book will be Monday, May 20th.