Kihwan Song, Korea University THE 36TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE SYSTEM DYNAMICS SOCIETY REYKJAVÍK, ICELAND Analysis of the Social-Ecological System of the Four Major Rivers Project and Resilience Improvement Plan with a Focus on the Ecosystem Services of the Nakdong River Kihwan Song, Korea University Jinhyung Chon, Korea University Nam-Hee Choi, Korea National University of Transport Title page: Bold the name of the presenter and display your name as you want it read by the moderator (eg Bob instead of Robert). Do not include contact information. Timing in the bottom right. Moderator will change slide following that schedule, or earlier if requested. Change if needed. 0:00-0:30
Problem Statement Ecosystem services problem The purpose of this study Provisioning services: agriculture/industrial water Regulating services: algal bloom Cultural services: ecotourism Supporting services: destruction of ecosystems Problem Statement: Do not change this title. Keep fonts big (24 pt or bigger). Indicate why the problem is important. The purpose of this study to identify the change of ecosystem service resilience through analysis of social-ecological system in the Nakdong River area and to suggest resilience improvement plan using the resilience principle. 0:30-2:00
Approach or Dynamic Hypothesis Classification of ecosystem services in the Nakdong River area and key variables Section Subsection Contents Key variable Provisioning services Food Fish and shellfish Fishery production Animals and plants, dietary fiber Crop and livestock production Freshwater Direct use Water discharge Quantity of water intake Water for living, industrial water, agriculture water Energy Biotic and abiotic energy sources Hydroelectric power generation Hydroelectric power generation facility Hydroelectric power generation amount Amount of use Biomass energy source Energy production amount using biomass Regulating Climate regulation Microclimate regulation Evapotranspiration per day/month Water temperature Water purification Pollutant self- purification capacity function by flow or velocity Average storage Mean velocity of flow Residence time Water purification capacity Water purification index animals and plants Attached algae species and population amount Emerged plant Disaster regulation Flood, drought, forest fire prevention and mitigation Flood prevention facility Flood frequency Cultural Ecotourism River ecotourism Ecotourism destination designation Participation Rest/leisure Hydrophile property act and space utilization Jogging, bicycle exercise, fishing, swimming, etc. Waterfront park utilization Festival events Landscape aesthetics Visual landscape Ecological Landscape Protected Area designation River geomorphological landscape Religious Identity Cultural properties designation Supporting Habitat Ecosystem support through habitat continuity Watershed or sphere area Natural ecosystem area Biodiversity Diversity of species or population Fish endemic species Vegetation distribution Riparian vegetation diversity Again big fonts, do not alter title 2:00-3:30
Progress and Insights to Share Analysis of a causal loop diagram and resilience of ecosystem services in the Nakdong River area Cultural service Regulating service Provisioning service Supporting service Again short. Show structure or behavior – may not be room for both (some flexibility on font for these). No need to conclude, there is always more to be done. Note the timing in the bottom right. Resilience improvement plan for ecosystem services in the Nakdong River area Diversity and redundancy / Connectivity / Slow variables and feeedbacks 3:30-5:00