Scenario Framework for the Gas Network Development Plan


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Presentation transcript:

Scenario Framework for the Gas Network Development Plan 2020-2030 Market survey on green gas projects Martin Jones, Nowega

Agenda Market survey on green gas projects and sector coupling

Market survey on green gas projects and sector coupling – Background The situation For the first time, the Gas Network Development Plan 2020-2030 (Gas NDP 2020- 2030) treats hydrogen and synthetic methane as green gases. Hydrogen becomes an important building block for meeting the German government's climate targets by 2050 Approach 21 March 2019: Gas TSOs launch market survey on green gas projects and sector coupling;  Deadline:15 May 2019 17 May 2019: Gas TSOs extend deadline for market survey on green gas projects and sector coupling until 12 July 2019 17 June 2019: Gas TSOs publish study on the regionalisation of PtG services for the Gas NDP 2020-2030 scenario framework -

Market survey on green gas projects and sector coupling Number of reported projects (as at 15 May 2019) Positive response at political and regulatory level 22 green gas projects reported, 4 of which combine source & sink Further projects have be announced; planning is underway Green gas project examples ELEMENT EINS (Thyssengas, TenneT, GUD) Energiepark Bad Lauchstädt (DBI GTI, Terrawatt Planungsgesellschaft mbH, Uniper Energy Storage GmbH, VNG Gasspeicher GmbH, ONTRAS) GET H2 (enertrag, FZ Jülich, hydrogenious, IKEM, nowega, RWE, SIEMENS, Stadtwerke Lingen) Hybridge (Amprion, OGE) SALCOS (Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH) Wasserstoff Thyssenkrupp (thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG) Wasserstoffregion Lausitz (Energiequelle GmbH, Enertrag AG, IKEM, ONTRAS)

Market survey on green gas projects and sector coupling – Next steps New deadline Further green gas projects can now be registered until 12 July 2019 Projects must be registered with the relevant local TSO Details to be provided Project description Location of the planned grid tie-in point Plant specification (generation capacity, entry/exit capacities, etc.) Gas quality (e.g. hydrogen content)

Thank you for your attention Vereinigung der Fernleitungsnetzbetreiber Gas e.V. Georgenstraße 23 / D-10117 Berlin Tel. +49 30 9210 23 50 Fax +49 30 9210 23 543