CF Scope, Management & Organization General Philosophy CF Scope Documents Meetings CF Management and Organization Summary
General Philosophy CF Group will manage the entire WBS 1.9 design, construction and commissioning in the development and delivery of the LCLS Conventional Facilities CF Group will manage various architectural engineering, consulting firms, Construction Managers and General Contractors with a team approach during Titles I/II and III CF Group will work in collaboration with System Managers and WBS Managers to ensure design requirements are incorporated during construction phase
General Philosophy – cont’d CF Group will ensure best practices are applied using industry standards, past experience, professional knowledge and judgment, and various technologies as recommended or required by Subject Matter Experts, committees, consultants or Advisory Groups CF Group will collaborate with on-site maintenance group (CEF) and LCLS applicable team members during commissioning, punch-list, beneficial occupancy, and certificate of occupancy stages CF Group will aim to provide seamless final integration of commissioning to start up of operations
CF Scope The Conventional Facilities scope for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) will include renovations to the existing SLAC facilities and the development of new facilities. The scope will include 13 elements: Sector 20 Injector Facilities Magnetic Measuring Facility Main Control Center Modifications Linac Upgrades Beam Transport Hall Research Yard Modifications Undulator Hall Front End Enclosure Beam Dump Near Experimental Hall X-Ray Transport & Diagnostic Tunnel Far Experimental Hall Central Lab Office Complex.
CF Scope – cont’d Activities within these 13 elements include - Site preparation and development (including establishment of survey monuments for site alignment) Beam line housings Beam dump Renovations to existing facilities Buildings Service buildings Utility systems (including cooling systems) Fire protection systems Roads Sidewalks Moderate landscaping
Documents Physics Requirement Document Used to convey the essential physics requirements to CF CF engineers utilize this document as the basis of their designs Example: “UH shall extend 175 meters in the direction of the beam.” “Max. air temp deviation ±0.2°C” Engineering Specifications Document Room Data Sheets used to identify specific engineering details CF engineers utilize this document as a supplement to the PRD and to provide specific details of the item they have designed so that AE firms can meet the design criteria Example: equip power loads, utility flow reqt’s, i.e. temp, pressure, etc Interface Control Document Used to specify in detail all interfaces between internal LCLS systems and non-LCLS groups Status All required documents are not at equal status in terms of completion. A complete development of these documents must be accomplished. This assignment will be a priority to the new CF engineer expected to be hired in the next 4-6 weeks
Meetings CF group meetings or those related to management meetings occurring every week CF/SLAC ESH Biweekly Meeting – Wednesday 10:30 to coordinate requests and issues regarding ESH support CF Sys Mgr LCLS ESH Coordinator SLAC ESH “LCLS Liaison” ESH Group Leaders LCLS CF/JE Title II Weekly Update – Tuesday 11:00 to discuss top 3 priorities by discipline, i.e. struct, mech, elect, etc CF Key Personnel LCLS Key Personnel JE Team Leaders via teleconference LCLS Monthly Risk Management Meeting - 2nd Wednesday of every month WBS managers and System managers are present with the project office and LLNL/APS via teleconference for meeting LCLS Cost and Schedule Performance Meeting - 4th Wednesday of every month All WBS managers and their CAMS are present via teleconference/net meeting for meeting with the project office CF Group - Monday 8:00 meeting to review past weeks accomplishments, upcoming tasks, identify potential issues or show stoppers System Mgr CAM’s UTR’s Project Controls Procurement CF Sys Mgr and Project Controls – Monday 9:30 meet every week to discuss WBS cost and schedule status, BCR’s, monthly accruals, invoices, 6 month look ahead schedule, CPI, etc CF Sys Mgr and SLAC’s Conventional Experimental Facilities group (CEF) Dept Head – Monday 10:00 to review status of support effort for internal service requests, ex. LCLS/CEF Service Request Report CF Sys Mgr and RSYWG – biweekly (Mondays) Review status of activity in RSY Report on upcoming impact to RSY LCLS Management Meeting - Tuesday 10:00 meeting WBS managers and System managers are present with the project office and LLNL/APS via teleconference for meeting
LCLS/CEF Service Request Report Assigned to… Need By Received Into System
CF Organization FY 05
CF Organization FY 06-08
Summary General Philosophy Scope Management Organization CF Group will provide seamless integration from commissioning to start up of operations Scope The CF scope is clearly defined Management Tools are in place such as PRD’s, ESD’s, ICD’s, regular management meetings, and reporting documentation to ensure project delivery on time and within budget Organization Most critical key positions have been filled, employee requisitions in place for remaining personnel LCLS/SLAC organization integration has been strengthened but will still need additional fostering in collaborative areas
End of Presentation