Welcome St Faith’s C.E. Primary School Lighting the path…. Together: We Learn, We Share, We Pray, We Care with Courage, Trust, Love and Hope
The Teaching Team at St Faith’s Oak Class – Miss Berry - RE Silver Birch Class – Miss Croker- SLT English, History Year 1 – Mrs Matcham- Science Willow Class – Miss Whiteman – SLT SENCO and IT and Miss Crittenden– Schools Direct student Maple Class – Miss Phillips Beech Class – Mrs Hanson – English and PE and Ms John- science support Year 4 – Mrs Buchanan – PSHE and Mrs Choules - geography
The Teaching Team at St Faith’s PPA cover Mrs Choules - Geography Science teachers Year 4 – Mrs Johnson Year 5 – Mrs Wetherell French teacher for KS2 Mrs Brannigan Music for Y4 Mr Walker Sport YR to Y6 Marc Gillingham
The Support Staff Team Mrs Crump – Senior admin officer Mr Crump – Site Manager Teaching Assistants in the Infants: Mrs Brannigan – Year R and lunchtime supervisor Mrs Moretti – Year 1 &2 and lunchtime supervisor Mrs Stirling-Gibson – Year 1&2 and lunchtime assistant Mrs Wallace –Year R,1 and 2, small group support and lunchtime assistant Mrs Wright – Year R,1 and 2 and lunchtime assistant Mrs Pickance – lunchtime assistant
Support Staff at St Faith’s Teaching Assistants in the Juniors (KS2) Mrs McGough – Y3 and lunchtime assistant Mrs Cannings – Y3 and ELSA, lunchtime pastoral support Mrs Maundrell – Y4 and admin support Mrs Trentham – Y5 and lunchtime assistant Mrs Wetherell – Y6
Extended school provision at St Faith’s Sports Breakfast Club- leader:Marc Gillingham Open every school day from 7.30am The Ark – Leaders: Michele Brannigan and Marc Gillingham Open every school day from 3.30pm-5.45pm (Fridays 5pm) Booked sessions £12 On the day £15
School site safety Playground gates locked at start and end of school day Parents and visitors to only enter the school via the main entrance– (not the door from the playground) Parents to wait by main entrance to collect from after school clubs apart from the Ark Evacuation to the school field in an emergency
Priorities for last year 2017-2018 In the core subjects our focus for last year was:- To further embed the national curriculum for maths and English To focus on learning of times tables To focus on spelling rules and personal editing in writing To focus on reading comprehension and more opportunities for reading across the curriculum
St Faith’s C.E. Primary School Results July 2018
KS1 Reading
Writing KS1
Maths KS1
Reading, writing, maths combined KS1
Reading KS2
Writing KS2
Maths KS2
Grammar and spelling
Reading, writing and maths combined KS2
Learning at St Faith’s A three way process between the child, the teacher and the parents is key to success. Communication Year overview for each year group Termly curriculum letter Emails – weekly newsletter, year group letters, website and calendar Governor newsletter Home learning
Priorities for 2018-2019 To continue to make the national curriculum our own and special to St Faith’s! To ensure that all children make progress.
Focus areas for 2018-2019: To increase our selection of reading books throughout the school and to further develop reading corners in classrooms to continue to promote reading To teach the children to understand and use a wider vocabulary through rich texts and opportunities to express themselves- Let’s Think To teach meta cognition and self regulated learning strategies to provide the children with the tools to learn – Mind Up To continue to broaden our curriculum through wider opportunities and to provide more opportunities for IT To further develop approaches to learning times tables to aid children to know all tables at speed and at random.