Pressure-induced Superconductivity in CaFe2As2 -JPCM 20, 322204 (2008) Tuson Park1, 2 , H. Lee1, E. Park2, F. Ronning1, E. Bauer1, T. Klimczuk1, J. D. Thompson1 Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Dept. Physics, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Crystal structure of AFe2As2 -Ronning et al., JPCM 20, 322201 (2008)
Pressure-induced Superconductivity Resistance of CaFe2As2 – Park et al., JPCM 20, 322204 (2008) Superconductivity at 0.69 GPa Tc = 11 K (@ mid point) Hc2 = 13.9 T with slope of -1.4 T/K Positive slope near Tc => multiband SC
First order Transition at 172 K Specific heat of CaFe2As2 – Ronning et al., JPCM 20, 322201 (2008) Neutron diffraction of CaFe2As2 – Goldman et al., Arxiv:0807.1525 Tetragonal to Orthorhombic SDW: commensurate along a-axis, 0.82 mB / Fe
Coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity Resistivity of CaFe2As2 under pressure – Lee et al., unpublished => Coexistence of magnetism & superconductivity
Summary Discovery of SDW CaFe2As2 (Ronning et al., JPCM 20, 322201 (2008); Ni et al., arXiv: 0806.4328; Wu et al., arXiv: 0806.4729) Pressure-Induced Superconductivity (Park et al., JPCM 20, 322204 (2008); Torikachvili et al., PRL 101, 057006 (2008)) Coexistence of Magnetism and Superconductivity (Lee et al., unpublished) Discovery of new SCs … (Ronning et al., to appear in JPCM)