Pilot training course on multifunctional farmers' educative role Call:2016 - 2016-1-IT02-KA204-024381 KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices-Strategic Partnerships for adult education Call:2016 - 2016-1-IT02-KA204-024381 KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices-Strategic Partnerships for adult education Pilot training course on multifunctional farmers' educative role MODULE: EDUCATIONAL FARM CASE STUDY n° 2 BERTOZZI società agricola s.s. Santa Maria Nuova, Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena) 1
HISTORY AND FARM DESCRIPTION The “Società Agricola Bertozzi” was born in the seventies, thanks to the entrepreneurial momentum of Amleto Bertozzi and Guerrino Bertozzi, with his daughter Olga. At the beginning, they have just a few dozen cows but they were able to increase the breeding rapidly, effectively doubling the consistency, up to a quota of over 200 beef cows in the nineties. With the evolution of the sector regulations and the Emilia-Romagna agricultural economy, the company has expanded its production horizons and began to design services for the community 3
HISTORY AND FARM DESCRIPTION Nowadays the company has three members: Eugenio Bertozzi (Amleto’s son, still operating in the company) Manuela Getti (Olga Bertozzi’s daughter) with a background of professional experience in the third sector (elderly care / animation in protected structures in the area) Andrea Bertozzi (Eugenio's son) with a degree in agricultural sciences
DATA & FIGURES OVERVIEW Property extent 110 hectares of agricultural land Agricultural products Typical crop plan: alfalfa common wheat durum wheat barley minor cereals vegetables Food products The forage and cereals produced on the farm are used to feed our animals: cows, sheep, goats, pigs We sell to the public and wholesale meat and processed products (hams, salami). 5
Name: Società Agricola Bertozzi HOLDING DATA Name: Società Agricola Bertozzi Address: Via S. Croce 2930, Santa Maria Nuova di Bertinoro (FC) E-mail soc.agricolabertozzi@libero.it Web www.agricolabertozzi.it fb www.facebook.com/societagricola.bertozzi Type of enterprise: agricultural company Legal representative: Manuela Getti Year of commencement:1970 6
MULTIFUNCTIONAL EXPERIENCE: DIVERSIFICATION 2013 - acquisition of the recognition of "educational farm" by Emilia-Romagna region. This choice allowed the company to welcome in the farm many adults and children eager to rediscover the simplicity of life in the countryside and the genuineness of local products. 2013 – organization of a summer camp for children and teenagers (able to accommodate at least fifty guests every summer), characterized by individual and group projects, focused on the relationship between animals and farm crops. 2014 - birth of the butcher shop to direct selling meat and trasformed products, this not only allowed a substantial income support, but also strengthened a further connection with the citizens /consumers. 8
MULTIFUNCTIONAL EXPERIENCE: DIVERSIFICATION - In latest years, our company has developed its presence on the market of social and cultural services, promoting over time: - the planning of entertainment activities for the elderly and disabled, collaborating with social cooperatives - the planning of cultural events and popular activities with taste of farm products - participation, within business networks, in projects to promote local specialties and eno - gastronomic events of great resonance (such as, for example, the Artusian week). Today the farm is a catalyst of new professions (sometimes even unpublished), ranging from equestrian educators, to hippotherapy professionals, from activities entertainers to new generation of pedagogists, from technicians of game group to atelierists of "learning by playing" and "learning by doing". After diversification we realised an increase of the farm income of 15-20%.
SITUATION OF THE HOLDING AFTER DIVERSIFICATION After diversification we realized an increase of the farm income of 15-20%. 10
Legal representative: Manuela Getti Age: 51 years old Education: PROFILE OF FARMER Legal representative: Manuela Getti Age: 51 years old Education: Commercial Technical Institute Diploma of professional qualification of social assistance worker She has made an important experience, working for 15 years as a social worker, in a home for senior citizens 11
FARMER'S RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACTIVITIES In her farm Manuela take care of : - Business management - Search for public tenders and financing Designing / promotion / organization of multifunctional services Educational and social farm services 12
KEY PROCESS AND COMPETENCE Competence Description 1/2 Process Description Competence Description Knowledge on basic of farm processing procedures and legislations To be able to respect the procedures for on farm food processing Formulate proposals and programs concerning the use of the territory and the environmental sustainability. To be able to apply objectives of sustainability for multifunctional farm (also as opportunity for new service to integrate farmers income). Know direct selling of specific products requires additional requlations and legislations To be able to know direct selling of specific products Farm laboratories for schools and groups To be able to manage practical laboratories 13
Competence Description KEY PROCESS AND COMPETENCE 2/2 Process Description Competence Description Guided visits and didactic teaching on natural and agricultural issues To be able to manage guided visits and didactic programs of learning for schools and adult groups Propose action for the improvement Take a careful analysis of the results in terms of the effectiveness of the services provided. Trends and progress in the field of multifunctional agriculture (educational farm – social farm) Identify the potential users who can attract a new possible customer flow Public events and guided tastings of company products To be able to manage welcome and guest entertainment 14
INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES Now (spring 2018) the company is working on the launch of an innovative project: a reception and animation service, aimed at older people over 65 and focused on the theme of rural traditions, inter-generational relationship and transfer of skills. 15
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF THE ACTIVITY STRENGHTS WEAKNESS The market of multifunctional services is growing because citizens need recreation and animation spaces, in rural settings, away from the cities It is very difficult to explain to the bank that today an agricultural entrepreneur is more interested in investing in a facility for the elderly than in 200 more cows to be reared! 16
- Sustainability education methods based on animation and play RECOMMENDED TRAINING Manuela would like to participate in a training course on the following topics: - Sustainability education methods based on animation and play Animation methods and techniques on inter generational educational objectives Pet therapy 17
activities for elderly and children together pet therapy FARMER’S KEYWORDS activities for elderly and children together pet therapy food education playing music and dancing in the farm promotion of the culture of the territory 18