HDAC: 2004
HDAC Status 2004: ~450 data sets in Jun. 2004 ~2700 data sets in Jan. 2005 HDAC run in photometer mode most of the time, slow sensitivity decrese, 9 modulation measurements, switching filaments Important observations in 2004: LISM modulation, switching filaments Phoebe, Titan, Saturn, … “Systemscans”
HDAC Status: Radiometry Small sensitivity changes over the whole year 2003/4 Hot Model fits data Sensitivity is about 50 c/s/R
HDAC Status: Radiometry Analysed data from IPHSURVEY sequences Looking for data, which are constant within a sequence
HDAC absolute sensitivity: HDAC sensitivity 2002 (no break-ins)
HDAC absolute sensitivity: absolute sensitivity stabilized ... ~ 60 counts/sec/R
HDAC Status: Radiometry Analysed data from IPHSURVEY sequences Data, which are constant within the sequence Analysed the variance / mean value – relation n … number of incoming photons m … measured value µ … “Sensitivity”
HDAC Status: Radiometry Analysed the variance / mean value – relation
HDAC Status: Radiometry Analysed the variance / mean value – relation
HDAC Status 2003:
HDAC Status 2004:
HDAC Status 2004:
HDAC Status: Radiometry HDAC Sensitivity from FUV data (IPHSURVEY)
HDAC Status: Radiometry (see: HK_EVAL_NEW.PRO) Analysed the variance / mean value – relation Decrease of variance / mean value of 75% every year Overall HotModel factor 2003 – 63 2004 – 53 Additional model inputs from sun exitation changes Open problems: Absolute sensitivity change in comparison to FUV (FUV, absolute spectral response)
Modulation mode: H and D-Cell Modulation lower than expected Shape of the modulation curve is different Derived a new Power-Tau-relation from all existing measurements Results: Describes all measurements Stable situation for the last 3 years Possible reasons: Loss of Hydrogen and/or change of dissociation rate Filament or wall dependent
HDAC modulation analysis: Results: no differences using the filaments 2 instead of filaments 1 The additional signal by switching on the D cell is still there Decided to switch back to filaments 1
2004-030T01:54:56.0 192.307 -79.1874 -2.08658 8.57658 -0.0508378 2004-059T01:51:32.0 37.0632 76.4367 -2.18278 8.59764 -0.0500043
HDAC modulation analysis: 7 * HDAC conditioning in 2004 2004-114T02:51:30.49500 2004-136T19:00:36.71475 2004-138T11:24:36.76589 2004-140T18:47:42.46509 2004-157T17:46:41.90646 2004-184T12:22:41.81400 2004-318T08:25:36.37405
HDAC modulation: New program for HDAC modulation analysis Integrates HotModel & Spice
HDAC modulation: New program for HDAC modulation analysis Integrates HotModel & Spice Next steps: Optimizing parameters Accuracy estimation sEstm = 0.0379 A sLISM = 0.0391 A Diff 1 mA (1215.664 A, 1215.34 A)
HDAC modulation analysis: Modulation analysis only works for H-modulation Problem: Influence of the D-Cell (radiation of D-filament) Between 20% & 30%
HDAC modulation analysis: Modulation analysis only works for H-modulation Problem: Influence of the D-Cell (radiation of D-filament) Between 20% & 30% Sometimes there is no additional Signal Result: See Result.xls
Mod.-Messung Datumstring Zunahme Verhältnis Doppler Vel 3 2000-262T06:55:25.84498 0,2939795 -2,0424494 4 2000-345T21:50:01.78943 0,10101432 -10,749073 5 2000-365T22:04:00.81714 0,11943983 2,5946312 6 2001-007T13:04:01.25491 0,067791708 11,217736 7 2001-093T06:35:30.99943 0,23235177 -3,4794599 8 2001-148T07:51:30.64938 0,28342512 -5,6660298 9 2001-191T14:21:30.44971 0,32140973 2,839637 10 2001-299T18:01:29.36067 0,27091792 0,95167742 11 2001-317T01:51:30.89056 0,21967007 1,5689569 12 2002-034T21:51:30.75724 0,23379506 9,2079015 13 2002-098T01:51:30.01271 0,20451419 9,4931434 14 2002-136T01:51:29.65465 0,19914286 10,512993 15 2002-202T05:51:30.62946 0,17702614 15,679651 16 2002-283T10:12:40.76701 0,2442347 9,222591 17 2002-283T11:55:34.72367 0,2494297 -7,4671483 18 2002-325T14:51:30.90231 0,18355468 16,913488 19 2002-339T11:51:29.35362 0,23879139 2,1504466 20 2003-199T09:51:31.19813 0,33065543 -1,6043787 21 2003-267T13:10:50.73707 0,3305265 1,9372256 22 2003-292T18:21:30.50392 0,38404149 -15,738391 23 2004-114T02:51:30.56295 0,26363096 -20,647935 24 2004-136T19:00:36.80425 0,27577567 -0,88465424 25 2004-138T11:24:36.85699 0,25488845 -0,88520286 26 2004-140T18:47:42.55839 0,25823626 -0,91605811 27 2004-157T17:46:42.01587 0,32622793 -11,140243 28 2004-184T12:22:41.94886 0,12501162 1,7791853 29 2004-318T08:25:36.55341 0,004120597 -25,24598
HDAC modulation: Korrekturversuch [1d2, 2d2, 5d2, 5d2,
HDAC modulation: Korrekturversuch [1d2, 2d2, 5d2, 5d2,
HDAC modulation: Temperaturrekonstruktion Funktioniert oft nicht! [1d2, 2d2, 5d2, 5d2, 9d2, 22d2, 26d2, 33d2]
HDAC modulation analysis: HDAC modulation measurements during the other Titan observations until end of mission Need to compare the HDAC data with FUV data (HDAC's red tail sensitivity)
Titan: 2005-12-26T18 Problem: New tour kernel Old pointing
Titan: 2006-10-25T15 2006-12-12T11 2006-12-28T10 2007-01-29T07 2007-08-31T06 2008-05-28T08
Titan Modulation Data 2004-184T 2005-090T08
Titan Limb Measurements
Titan Off-Axis Response
Titan Limb Scan
Titan Limb Scan Ergebnis
Data Analysis: Phoebe
Data Analysis: Phoebe
Data Analysis: Phoebe FUV-Data HDAC spectral sensitivity
HDAC Events: TITAN Dist = 110.000 km Phase Angle = 1° MV 26 kc MV 450 R (?)
HDAC Events: SATURN Dist = 324.937 km Phase Angle =9.3° MW 50 kc MW 900 R (?)
HDAC Events: SATURN System Scan
HDAC Open Problems for 2005: Absolute sensitivity and comparison to FUV FUV Data handling (more or less solved) Applying sensitivity from Bill Long time investigation of HDAC - Sensitivity Saturn – Orbit System Scan Saturn – Limb(?) san Find out Orbit-situation Titan Limb-Scan Titan Modulation
HDAC Open Problems for 2005: SATURN Absolute sensitivity and comparison to FUV FUV Data handling (more or less solved) Applying sensitivity from Bill Long time investigation of HDAC - Sensitivity Saturn – Orbit System Scan Find out Orbit-situation Titan Limb-Scan Titan Modulation