EMEP TFMM, Larnaca, 13 may 2010 Kjetil Tørseth & Wenche Aas Implementation of monitoring strategy We have a now an adopted strategy for the period 2010 -2019, but how to implement it? EMEP TFMM, Larnaca, 13 may 2010 Kjetil Tørseth & Wenche Aas
Lessons learned: It takes a while to change national priorities/funding Awareness of CLRTAP requirements may be limited Countries do perform significant monitoring efforts, but which is not closely linked to EMEP National representatives to EMEP may have weak mandates to influence other priorities Great interest to support EMEP by non-official contributors The collaboration between EMEP and GAW is essential Even more important to interact with EC AQFD-processes
Feedback on implementation received from: Spain France Switzerland Lithuania Czech Republic Italy Slovakia The Netherlands
How can the CCC help? Support letters etc towards national authorities Connection between national agencies and research groups Methodologies and Training (manuals, SOPs, cources, data issues)