Code of Ethics Case Studies Translated and adapted from Course Notes–Calgary University Course CPSC 451:Practical Software Engineering – Social, Ethical and Professional Issues And from Using the New ACM Code of Ethics in Decision Making Anderson, R.E., Johnson, D.G., Gotterbarn, D., Perrolle, J. Communications of the ACM, February 1993.
Case 1 – Intellectual Property 8/6/2019 Jean, a programmer, is writing a large program needed by his company. After months of programming, Jean found himself stuck on several parts of the program. His manager wants the job completed within the next few days. Jean remembers that a co-worker gave him code from his current work and from an early version of a commercial software package developed at another company. Studying these programs, Jean sees code which could be directly incorporated into his program. He uses code from his co-worker and the commercial software but does not tell anyone or mention it in the documentation. He completes the project on time. 8/6/2019
Case 1 – Intellectual Property Discussion Which principles and clauses of the code have been violated by Jean ? 8/6/2019
Case 1 – Intellectual Property Jean violated professional ethics in two areas: Failure to give credit for another's work Using code from a commercial package that presumably was copyrighted or in another way protected by law. Clauses of the Code violated by Jean Clause 2.02 Not knowingly use software that is obtained or retained either illegally or unethically. Clause 7.03 Credit fully the work of others and refrain from taking undue credit 8/6/2019
Case 1 – Intellectual Property If you are asked by Jean to give him an advice, what would you tell him ? 8/6/2019
Case 2 - Liability for Unreliability A software company has produced a new software that incorporates the new tax laws. The president of the company knows that the program has a number of errors (bugs). He also believes that the first company to put this software on the market will capture the largest market share. When the company actually ships the software, it includes a disclaimer of responsibility for errors resulting from the use of the program. The company expects it will receive a number of complaints and suggestions for modification. The company plans to use these to make changes and eventually issue updated, improved, and debugged versions. The president argues that this is a general industry policy and that a customer who buys version 1.0 of a program knows this and he will take proper precautions. Because of errors (bugs), a number of customers sent incorrect tax returns to the government and were penalized. 8/6/2019
Case 2 - Liability for Unreliability Discussion Which principles and clauses of the code have been violated ? 8/6/2019
Case 2 - Liability for Unreliability Clauses violated by the president of the company Since he was aware of errors (bugs) in the product, he did not strive to achieve the highest quality Clause 1.02 Moderate the interests of the software engineer, the employer, the client and the users with the public good. Clause 1.04 Disclose to appropriate persons or authorities any actual or potential danger to the user, the public, or the environment, that they reasonably believe to be associated with software or related documents. 8/6/2019
Case 3 - Conflicts of Interest A software consultant is negotiating a contract to design a traffic control system (TCS). He recommends his customer to select a TCS system out of several systems on the market. The consultant does not mention to the customer that he is a major stockholder of the company producing the TCS software recommended to his customer. 8/6/2019
Case 3 - Conflicts of Interest Discussion Which principles and clauses of the code have been violated ? 8/6/2019
Case 3 - Conflicts of Interest Clauses violated by the software consultant Clause 2.08 Accept no outside work detrimental to the work they perform for their primary employer. Clause 4.03 Maintain professional objectivity with respect to any software or related documents they are asked to evaluate. Clause 4.05. Disclose to all concerned parties those conflicts of interest that cannot reasonably be avoided or escaped. Clause 6.05. Not promote their own interest at the expense of the profession, client or employer. 8/6/2019