The Skeletal System
I. Functions of the skeletal System A. Shape & Support B. Movement C. Protection your organs D. Produces blood E. Stores minerals
I. Joints of the Skeleton A. A joint is where 2 or more bones meet 1. ligaments A strong connective tissue that holds movable joints together 2. Cartilage Cushion between bones a. Provides cushion b. Keeps ends from rubbing
II. Joints of the Skeleton B. Two Classifications 1. Moveable a. 4 types of joints 1. Hinge joint 2. Ball & Socket 3. Pivot joint 4. Gliding joint 2. Immovable Where 2 or more bones come together, little or no movement is aloud b. Examples include the bones of the skull, pelvis, & sternum
III. Bone Structure A. Spongy Bone -is lightweight but very strong B. Compact bone B. Hard dense tissue Blood vessels & Nerves travel thru here Bone Marrow C. Bone Marrow * Soft connective tissue * Where blood cells are made
IV. Caring for your Bones A. Balanced Diet B. exercise
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