English, Spelling, and Social Studies 2nd Grade March 28- April 1 Reading, English, Spelling, and Social Studies Gorman Overstreet Math and Science Tuesday: Chapter 6 Test 14-1/14-2 Worksheet Thursday: - 14-2 Worksheet Friday: SCIENCE PROJECT DUE Subtraction Fact Fluency Test REMEMBER: For each day science projects are late, 20 points will be deducted from the child’s total grade. If the project is not turned in by Thursday, April 7 a ZERO will go in the grade book. We will finish up our money unit this week. We will have a TEST ON MONDAY, APRIL 4!! Homework: Read story from textbook. Reading Log Tuesday: Write Spelling words three times each. Wednesday: Spelling Worksheet: Thursday: Write sentences with vocabulary words. Test Schedule: Wednesday: Reading Test Friday: Spelling and Vocabulary Skills for this week: Reading: Drawing Conclusions Grammar: Adverbs Vocabulary: multiple-meaning words 9 weeks until Summer!
Tremontez Dorsey- April 1 Spelling Words: badly, madly, quickly, weekly, daily, sadly, gladly, proudly, softly, loudly, bravely, care, hill, case, simple, lake Vocabulary Words: delicious- very good taste sharpening- making something have a sharper edge or point spinning- twisting together material to make yarn or thread weave- to make cloth by crossing materials over one another strands single pieces of thread yarn- thick thread made of cotton or wool dye- a substance used to change the color of something duplicated- to have made an exact copy of something else Reminders DONUTS with Dads is Thursday, March 30. If you plan to attend, please fill out the gold sheet that came home before Spring Break. If you need to set up a conference, PLEASE call Mrs. Love in the office to set up a day that works best for YOU. We are available Tuesday-Friday from 12:15-12:45 or after school. Please send box tops!!! Happy Birthday! Channing King- March 30 Tremontez Dorsey- April 1