Chapter 22 Review and Discussion
Moscow Rises In Power 3. Moscow became the “Third Rome” During the Mongol period, the princes of Moscow steadily increased their power. 2. The Russian Orthodox moves to Moscow eventually the seat of power is moved there. 3. Moscow became the “Third Rome”
Ivan the Great: First Tsar Ivan III, refused to pay Mongol tribute Won many battles and recovered lost territory Suppressed boyar powers claimed the leadership of the Eastern Orthodox Empire Took the title czar (tsar) the Russian word for Caesar Recruited peasants and other them freedom from their feudal lords if they agreed to settle in New lands to the East
Ivan IV aka Ivan the Terrible! Grandson of Ivan the Great Ruled from 1547-1584 Why Terrible? he resorted to torture, exile, and execution to punish those who plotted against him Significantly expanded Russia’s territory and Russia prospered!
Tragic, read on… His Family…. In 1582 his daughter-in-law Elena appeared immodestly dressed and Ivan censured her. His son Ivan Ivanovich rose to defend his wife, whereupon the tsar killed his son, his only possible respectable heir. This left as heir Ivan’s feebleminded son Fyodor (reigned 1584-1598), the last Ryurikid ruler in a line that extended back seven centuries. Another son, Dmitry, was considered illegitimate because his mother was Ivan's seventh wife (the church only permitted three marriages, and recognized none of Ivan’s later wives). Dmitry either killed himself playing with a knife or was murdered in 1591
St. Basil’s Cathedral Legend has it that Ivan the Terrible, who was Tsar of Russia at the time, blinded the architect when it was finished, to prevent him from building anything as spectacular for any other king.
Late Medieval Russia Russia is in a Period of disorder: Open to invasion Isolated from Europe Untouched by Renaissance or the Reformation Enters the “Time of Troubles” - 1604-1613
Russian Monarchy Medieval Russia group of clergy, nobles and townsmen chose a new czar Romanov dynasty established with Mikhail Romanov lasts until 1917 withthe Communist Revolution. Mikhail Romanov Romanov Crown
Russia Before Peter Look at the facts: 10 million people, 8.5 serfs Boyars (landowning nobles) control the court and government Very Anti-Western European culture Majority of population are uneducated
The Westernization of Russia Goals To modernize, westernize Russia Establish absolute monarchy Journeyed to Western Europe to learn… Anatomy Dentistry Carpenter in shipyard Government structure of English Parliament Brought Experts to Russia Technical experts, teachers, soldiers, and nobles
Peter the Great Built a new capital at St. Petersburg and committed to a policy of westernization in Russia. To impose his will, Peter became the most autocratic of Europe’s absolute monarchs. No to political liberalization Brought Russian Orthodox Church under his control and increased the burden of taxes and labor on the serfs “Great Northern War” broke Swedish control over the Baltic and established direct contact between Russia and Europe
Westernization of Russia Brought in Europe’s Technology and Craftsman Peter the Great’s Major Changes Requires European Dress & No Beards! Westernization of Russia Builds St. Petersburg Brought in Europe’s Technology and Craftsman Took control of church Made the boyars serve in the gov’t Modernized army Adopts Mercantilism
Catherine the Great r. 1762-1796 Born in 1729 in Germany today modern day Poland Gains the throne by “stealing it” (maybe) from her murdered husband, Peter III!
Catherine’s Palace began state-sponsored education for boys and girls. embraced and encouraged Western ideas and culture. granted special privileges to the boyars. Allows serfdom to continue repressed peasant rebellions. Built the world’s largest land empire Catherine’s Palace
Expansion of Russia, 1689-1796 Peter the Great: created the largest standing army in Europe On land won from Sweden, Peter built a magnificent new capital city, St. Petersburg. Catherine the Great: gained a warm-water port on the Black Sea agreed to partition Poland and gained the eastern portion.
St. Petersburg
Romanov Dynasty Heritage Last Romanov Czar Murdered w/ family in 1917 Moscow in 1810 Last Romanov Czar Murdered w/ family in 1917
Expansion of Russia, 1689 – 1796