English Project work by pupils of form 6 "A" School 6 Aleksandra Pryanikova, Antonova Sofia, Duhanina Sonia 2017-2018 учебный год
Aleksandra Pryanikova I have many different hobbies. They make my life brighter and more interesting. I want to talk about some of them. 1 Brighter – ярче.
My biggest hobby is painting and applied art My biggest hobby is painting and applied art. I like to invent incredible compositions and use different materials. 2 Аpplied art – прикладное искусство. 3 Invent – придумывать. 4 Incredible – невероятный.
I love swimming. This hobby allows5 me to be in good physical shape6 and helps me to relax7. 5 Allows – позволяет. 6 Fhysical shape – физическая форма. 7 Relax – расслабляться.
Antonova Sofia I have some favorite Hobbies. Thanks to them, I can get away from some problems and dive into my favorite thing.
Its girl a me I really love basketball. To go to a basketball class, I was inspired by one cartoon. I also love streetball. 9 inspired - вдохновил
My another hobby is photography My another hobby is photography. I like to find beautiful views, capture them, and then process them in Photoshop. I photograph people, nature, different things. My works: 10 capture - запечатлеть
Duhanina Sonia I have some favorite hobbies.I used to swim and play the piano, but then I got tired of it. And I moved on to other hobbies.
My most important hobby is drawing My most important hobby is drawing. I go to art school 2 times a week and enjoy it.
I started playing table tennis only this year and I don’t play it very well. Now I am working on the technique and try to beat my rivals. 8 Technique-техника 9 Rival-cоперник
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