Recreation and Burial Committee Working for the Community in Rotherfield, Mark Cross, Eridge Green, Boarshead and surrounding areas Recreation and Burial Committee Chair – Trevor Gilbert Vice Chair – Graham Watson-Smith
Old Burial Ground and new cemetery Councillors and volunteers have worked over several weekends to clear overgrown trees and hedges to create a quiet ecologically friendly space in the heart of the village where people can sit or walk quietly. A grant is being sought from the Lund Fund to put a new gate and steps in from Court Meadow Green and put on a new gate from the Churchyard. Two oak benches are being installed and a grass mowing bin is to be installed. The council are in the second year of a three year plan to restore old gravestones which are in danger of collapse.
Court Meadow The trees on Court Meadow Green have been reduced. The money which the Rec&Burial committee used to start the War Memorial fund, and which has now been refunded back to the Council has been ear marked to tidy the churchyard behind where the memorial is to be located.
Hornshurst Road Cemetery Has been maintained to a high standard Requires only the usual seasonal maintenance
The Recreation ground Thanks to Peter Ford from the Sports Club for maintaining the pitches to their high standard We donated £3000 to the sports club to help with the end of season pitch maintenance and thanks to their efforts we have a fantastic facility. We had a lot of the trees trimmed back last year to assist maintenance of the rec
Village Hall The council has contributed half of the cost towards the tarmac path behind the village hall which has recently been done. We are looking at helping the village hall to upgrade their broadband.