Technology and Science


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Presentation transcript:

Technology and Science Presented By: Amy Cheema Samar Aziz Sana Aziz Arzoo Salami Fauwaz S. Hussein Patrick Martin

What Is Technology? Definition The technical means people use to improve their surroundings. Technology is people using knowledge, tools, and systems to make their lives easier. Benefits of Technology

Science and Technology Science vs. Technology Is technology an “applied science”? Theories of Science Theories of Technology

Technology throughout History The Stone Age The Bronze Age The Iron Age The Industrial Revolution The 20th Century

Technological Systems Definition – This word is interchangeable with “system” Three parts: Inputs Processes Outputs Feedback

Inputs – The Resources Used by the System There are six major inputs used by a technological system: People Natural Resources (materials) Capital (tools and machines) Finance (money) Knowledge (information) Energy

Processes – The actions taken to use Inputs Two major types of processes: Production Processes Management Processes These two processes are united. They work together to get desired outputs.

Outputs – The result of the System Two types of outputs System output Ex. Manufactured product, constructed work, communicated message. Other output Ex. Scrap and waste, pollution

Goals of Technology Two Primary goals for any business to be successful: To meet human needs Profit

Types of Technological Systems Manufacturing Systems Construction Systems Communication Systems Transportation Systems

The Design Process

The Problem May have to invent a solution to a problem May have to change an existing design

Investigation FUNCTION: Must solve the problem described in the design brief. “What exactly is the use of the article?” APPEARANCE: Shape, color, and texture should make the object attractive. MATERIALS: Availability? Cost? Physical Properties (strength, rigidity, color, durability) CONSTRUCTION: Hard to make? SAFETY: The object must be safe, should not cause accidents

Developing Alternative Solutions Write or draw every idea on paper as it comes to you The more ideas you have, the more likely you are to end up with a good solution

Choosing a Solution Your own skills The materials available Time needed to build each solution Cost of each solution

Detailed Drawing Overall dimensions Detailed dimensions Material to be used How it will be made What finish it will require

Models and Prototypes Model is a full-size or small-scale simulation of an object Prototype is the first working version of the designer’s solution

Testing and Evaluating Does it work? Does it meet the design brief? Will modifications improve the solution?

Manufacturing How many to make? Medical equipment produced in hundreds, nuts and bolts produced in millions

What is Technology?

What Counts as Technology? Objects Knowledge Activities A Process Sociotechnical System

Technology is Related to Science Purpose of technology: change in the material environment Purpose of science: understanding of nature.

Technology Involves Design Design is the center of technology Design process: begins with perception of a need, continues with formulation of a specification, and ends with an evaluation of the solution.

Technology Involves Making Motivating factor: desire to fulfill a need. All designs should be made or realized. If the need is to be fulfilled, the design is to be evaluated, and the design activity is to have been purposeful and worthwhile.

Technology is Multi-Dimensional Technology is performing a multitude of functions Examples: working with others, operating within budgets, persuading decision makers, communicating to clients and working to deadlines.

Technology is concerned with Values Value decisions may be called for not only in relation to the specific design criteria, but also in relation to the rightness or wrongness of a particular solution in ethical terms.

Technology is Socially Shaped Determined by social interests. Technology is shaped by society, by consumer choice. Technology can shape society. For example, the technology of the motor car has shaped our environment and our whole way of life.

Technology and Science, go way back… The word science is derived from the Latin word scientia, which simply means knowledge, and the German word wisenschaft, which means systematic, organized knowledge. (Why?) The word technology is derived from the Greek words, techne and logos, which means art or craft. (How?) Science has a relatively recent history – perhaps four centuries, whereas technology has a much longer history, a history as long as humanity.

How Technology and Science are related… Goal: the creation of artifacts and systems to meet people's needs Goal: the pursuit of knowledge and understanding for its own sake Design, invention, production Discovery (controlled by experimentation) Analysis and synthesis of design Analysis, generalization and creation of theories The search for and theorizing about new processes (e.g. control; information) The search for and theorizing about cause (e.g. gravity; electromagnetism) Taking good decisions based on incomplete data and approximate models Drawing correct conclusions based on good theories and accurate data Design, construction, testing, planning, quality assurance, problem solving, decision making, interpersonal and communication skills Experimental and logical skills

Relationship between science and technology

Applications related to science and technology Electronic devices: Invention of radio - Science: sound, wave, and optics - Technology: assembly of speaker, electric circuits, and antenna. Health Services: From use of remedies to proper medications - Science: Physiology of human body - Technology: combination of various salts.