.Nativism- A preference for native- born people and a desire to limit immigration and racism.
Industrialization- The change from working with your hands to working with machines; creation of factories.
Gilded Age- Came from Mark Twain of the idea of everything looks golden on the outside but on the political inside there is corruption, poverty, crime, and a huge gap between the rich and poor.
Entrepreneur- One who organizes, manages, and is a go getter or business owner.
Free enterprise- Competitive market through the relationship of supply and demand with very little gov’t involvement.
Laissez faire- A political philosophy that means “hands off Laissez faire- A political philosophy that means “hands off.” Gov’t should interfere as little as possible in the nation’s economy.
Social Darwinism: “Survival of the Fittest” adapting to evolutionary changes over the years; compared it to animals and plants.
Migrant- To move from one place to another for a better opportunity.
Spoils system- A practice of handing out government job to supporters that supported certain political bosses.
Immigrant- A person who migrates to another country for better opportunity permanently.
Urbanization- The growth of Cities