‘Thinking Differently’ session three Andrew Hasler
Step three - select and test ideas tools
Dot voting Synopsis You cannot implement everything that comes out of your idea generation sessions. Harvesting is about beginning to narrow down the list in order to identify those that deserve a bit more thinking, and perhaps a test.
Dot voting Synopsis
Select for testing Identify TWO of your ideas to test
Six thinking hats Synopsis This tool enables individuals or members of a group to explore an idea or topic from a variety of perspectives, and in ways that may differ from their preferred way of thinking. Edward de Bono, suggests that by metaphorically wearing different hats, we can direct our thinking in specific ways.
Six thinking hats
Six thinking hats Exercise Taking two of your ideas - test them using: Red hat – emotional views Black hat – negative thoughts, risks and problems Green hat – creative ideas
Testing new ideas on a small scale Synopsis If you are really thinking differently, then you are coming up with ideas that are unusual or uncommon in your environment. Therefore, you cannot know how they will work until you actually try them out. But spending lots of organisational resource and effort in the full implementation of an idea that you are unsure will work is not appropriate.
Model for improvement PDSA cycles 141
Select and test ideas Tools Thoughts and reflections … Ask participants for their thoughts and reflections from the ‘Select and test idea’ session – what stood out for them, what did they like, what did they find less helpful. How might they use these tools in support of their action project? Ten minutes.
Working differently … Getting started on your challenge … Action planning … Taking your WWTTCA statement Using your selected IDEAS Thinking about your TEST considerations Identify and record the actions that your table will take over the next period to make a difference.
Reflections… (i) Please spend a couple of minutes on your table discussing today’s event … and capture on sticky notes… What Went Well Even Better If (ii) Individually write a PLEDGE to commit your learning into practice and to make the CSP Challenge come alive. Reflections – ask participants to think about the questions, in particular the most useful learning, which parts of the overall session worked well (and why), what needs to be improved. Allow five minutes as a tabletop exercise and then ask for volunteers to share their responses. Ask participants to stick their notes onto flip-chart for capture – explain that we will use the learning from this reflective session to inform the programme and make improvements.
Thank you Andrew Hasler This is the end of the session, although just the beginning of the challenge
Closing remarks & questions #CSPexertinginfluence