Dennis Roche, CISA, CISM Director of Technology
How do we meet the demands of the 21 st Century Learner?
Agenda NEF Grant for Professional Development Taste for Technology Senior Internship Technology Plans for the Next Few Years
NEF Grant for Professional Development MarchAprilMayJune MS Word BasicsUsing your Mac Effectively MS Powerpoint Fundamentals IPhotoUsing BlogsIMovieIntro to Moodle & Blended Learning Using Excel – Data Driven Instruction MS Word Fundamentals Garage Band for Music Using GoogleUsingWikisIPhoto and IDVD MS Excel Basics Using Survey Monkey Garage Band Podcasting MS Powerpoint Fundamentals
Taste for Technology Cognex 10K donation in Classroom Technology: New Interactive Technology for the High School Portable Interactive Technology for Middle and Elementary Schools.
New High School Solution
Elementary & Middle School Solution
Senior Internship Senior who is A+ Certified and interested in technology and hardware repair. Learning how to… deploy software in a large environment troubleshoot and repair various technology hardware interact with technology staff and our customers
Technology Plans for the Next Few Years Create 21 st Century Learning Environment Focus on Professional Development Investments in Technology Resources
Creating the 21 st Century Learning Environment Need real solutions for collaboration: Google Apps Education Edition Moodle – Course Management System
Google Apps for Education
Moodle Open source web based course management system widely accepted and used in Higher Ed and K12. Provides areas to store digital content. Flexible security can be set to limit who participates and sees course content. Has the ability to have calendars, wikis, blogs, forums and post podcasts to name a few.
On-line Moodle Classes for Students Wilson Middle SchoolHigh School Earth Science - Grade 8AP French Spanish – Grade 8Espanol40 La Cultura Latinoamerica Honors Algebra – Grade 8A+ Certification Ancient Civilizations – Grade 6Cybercrime and Security Language and Literacy – Grade 8Robotics Music Elective – Grade 7 & 8Succeeding with Technology Physical Science – Grade 7 Integrated Algebra and Geometry – Grade 8 Technology Education (Civil Engineering) Grade 6 Technology Literacy – Grade 7 World History I
Technology Plans for July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 District Wide: Final Payment on Teacher & Elementary Laptop Lease Professional Development – Annual Technology Day Middle School Level: Introduce Managed Wireless Infrastructure Replacing Oldest Student Computers with Laptops High School Level: Review HS Schedule to increase Professional Development opportunities. Create Technology Model Classroom Create Apple Classroom Expand Nova Net Program
Technology Plans July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 District Wide Professional Development Elementary School Level: Introduce wireless infrastructure (all 5 schools) Upgrade wiring closets needed at Brown and Lilja Middle School Level: Expand wireless infrastructure High School Develop 1 to 1 Vision for students
Technology Plans July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 District Wide: Professional Development Refresh all teacher laptops (5 years old) Redeploy 5 year old teacher laptops for student use and retire equipment 6 – 11 years old. High School Level: Open new High School with student 1 to 1 model
Technology Plan Summary By the time the new High School opens: All schools will have a wireless infrastructure in place. All district owned computers will be within 1 – 5 life. Robust Professional Development program will be in place. One to One model for High School students will be implemented.
Potential One to One Student Device