Kidney Injury after Intravenous versus Intra-arterial Contrast Agent in Patients Suspected of Having Coronary Artery Disease: A Randomized Trial Acute kidney injury was more likely after intra-arterial (s/p cardiac catheterization) than after intravenous (s/p CTA) contrast agent administration (13.2% vs 5.6%, respectively; relative risk, 2.4; P = .02). For individuals without obstructive CAD, acute kidney injury was more common in the catheterization group than in the CTA group (11.9% vs 4.3%; P = .02). Chronic kidney disease was more likely in individuals who had postcontrast acute kidney injury (12-fold greater risk, P < .01). Kaplan-Meier curve shows a lower probability of acute kidney injury in the intravenous CTA group compared with the intra-arterial contrast agent group. Schönenberger E et al. Published Online: July 2, 2019