RR-TAG (802.18) Closing Report April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 March 2017 RR-TAG (802.18) Closing Report Date: 2017-03-17 Authors: Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion
March 2017 Overview This document is the IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group (RR-TAG) closing report for the March Plenary in Vancouver. Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
Agenda Discussion items Actions required Regulatory work in progress March 2017 Agenda Discussion items Regulatory work in progress Status of completed work Actions required ISED (Canada) 5150-5250 MHz consultation Terahertz ITU-R WP5A and WP5C liaisons 802.15.3e ITU-R WP5A liaison Ofcom 5.8 GHz proposal Advancing the 6 GHz effort in the US and EU Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
Actions Approved ISED consultation response March 2017 Actions Approved ISED consultation response Approved two Terahertz liaisons Updates for draft Recommendation – “Technical and operational characteristics of the land mobile service applications operating in the frequency range 275-450 GHz”, and “Technical and operational characteristics and applications of the point-to-point fixed service applications operating in the frequency range 275-450 GHz” Approved an 802.15.3e liaison Updates for ITU-R Recommendation M.2003-1 (2015) – “Multiple Gigabit Wireless Systems in frequencies around 60 GHz” Discussed current global regulatory status Discussed upcoming work: Ofcom 5.8 GHz proposal 6 GHz unlicensed sharing efforts in the US and EU Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
802.15 IGthz WP5A Motion ITU-R WP5A LS request for information on technical and operational characteristics for systems in the frequency range 275 to 450 GHz (IEEE 802.18-16-0012-02-0000) This document, with its cover letter provides edits for Annex 29 to WP5A Chairman’s Report: “Working document towards a preliminary view, Report ITU-R M.[300GHZ_MS_CHAR]” Cover letter: 18-17/56r0 Response: 18-17/55r0
802.15 IGthz WP5C Motion ITU-R WP5C LS request for information on technical and operational characteristics for systems in the frequency range 275 to 450 GHz (IEEE 802.18-16-0016-00-0000) This document, with its cover letter provides edits for Annex 3 to Working Party 5C Chairman's Report “Working document towards a preliminary new draft report ITU-R F.[300GHz_FS_CHAR]” Cover letter: 18-17/57r0 Response: 18-17/54r0
Motion: ITU-R Terahertz Liaisons Approve document 18-17/54r0 and its cover letter in 18-17/57r0, and 18-17/55r0 and its cover letter in 18-17/56r0 as our responses to ITU-R WP5C and WP5A liaisons respectively, and forward to the IEEE 802 EC for their approval, granting the Technical Liaison to ITU-R and IEEE LMSC chair (or his delegate) editorial license, and submittal to the appropriate WPs on or before May 10, 2017. Moved by: Rich Kennedy Seconded by: Discussion? Vote: (y/n/a): <y>, <n>, <a> In the TAG (y/n/a): 11/0/0
802.15.3e Motion ITU-R WP5A liaison in support of high rate proximity communications (HRCP) IEEE Std 802.18.3e-2017 (18-17-0010-00-0000) This document with its cover letter provides edits for Annex 17 to Working Party 5A Chairman’s Report “Working document toward a preliminary draft revision of RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.2003-1” Cover letter: 18-17/60r0 Response: 18-17/59r1
Motion: ITU-R M.2003 Revisions Approve document 18-17/59r1 and its cover letter in 18-17/60r0 as our proposed update to Annex 17 of Document 5A/298-E (M.2003) in response to the ITU-R WP5A liaison, granting the Technical Liaison to ITU-R and IEEE LMSC chair (or his delegate) editorial license, and submittal to ITU-R WP5A on or before May 10, 2017. Moved by: Rich Kennedy Seconded by: Discussion? Vote: (y/n/a): <y>, <n>, <a> In the TAG (y/n/a): 10/0/1
March 2017 Document Links https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0048-03-0000-vancouver-meeting-agenda-march-2017.pptx https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0039-03-0000-proposed-ieee-802-response-to-canada-ised-consultation.docx https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0056-00-0000-liaison-statement-to-wp5a.docx https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0055-00-0000-itu-r-wp5a-mobile-draft-report.docx https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0057-00-0000-liaison-statement-to-wp5c.docx https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0054-00-0000-itu-r-wp5c-fixed-draft-report.docx https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0060-00-0000-liaison-statement-to-wp5a-m-2003.docx https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0059-01-0000-proposed-updates-to-annex-17-to-document-5a-298-e-from-802.docx Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise