Unit I Hot Words MarshLatin.wordpress.com
Porta Gate, Door
Sententia opinion
Stare (sto) To stand
Festinare (festino) To hurry
Parare (paro) To prepare
Incitare (incito) To encourage, urge on
Postulare (postulo) To demand
Manere (maneo) To stay, to remain
Tacere (taceo) To be quiet
Complere (compleo) To fill
Iacere (iaceo) To lie down
Fundus farm
Portus Port, harbor
Res thing
Conjuratio Plot, conspiracy
Notus Famous, note-worthy
Surgere (surgo) Rise, wake up
To seek, look for, ask, attack Petire (peto) To seek, look for, ask, attack
Ducere (duco) To lead
Legire (lego) To read
Cupire (cupio) To desire
Capire (capio) To take
Revenire (revenio) To come back, return
Sentire (sentio) To feel
Esse (sum) To be
Exire To go out, leave, exit
Hic this
Ille That (man)
Ferre (Fero) To bear, carry
Dicidere (decido) To fall down
Interficere (interficio) To kill
Valde greatly
Bene well
Sollicitus Anxious, worried
Utilis useful
Aeger sick
Sed but
Ubi where
Alter Other, another, a second
Nullus No, not any
Suus His own, her own, its own
Himself, herself, itself
Cur why
Abire (abeo) To go away