ESSA State Plan Amendment Dr. Lynn Sodat Director of ESEA Programs Dr. Jen Piver-Renna Director of Research
Background Virginia’s ESSA state plan was approved by the U.S. Department of Education (USED) in May 2018. To make changes to a state plan, an amendment must be submitted to USED. Approval must be granted prior to implementing the change. Amendment 1 to the plan was submitted in September 2018 (approved in October 2018). The purpose of this amendment was to make a slight adjustment in the process for identifying schools for comprehensive support and improvement. Amendment 2 was submitted in March 2019 (approval pending). The purpose of this amendment was to meet the USED requirement to define “ineffective teacher.” Amendment 3 to the state plan is proposed (to be submitted in July 2019) to make several updates.
Students of Multiple Races Currently students who identify as more than one race are not included in any racial group in federal accountability but are included in the “all students” group. The VDOE-defined threshold for inclusion of student groups in federal accountability is currently 5 percent or more of annual student enrollment. In 2018-19, 5.7 percent of Virginia students identified as more than one race. The Board is considering the addition of this student group for state accreditation. Proposal: Add the multiple races student group to the ESSA plan, which includes adding targets for reading, mathematics, graduation rate, and chronic absenteeism
Federal Graduation Indicator The Federal Graduation Indicator (FGI) includes standard and advanced diplomas. The FGI is calculated as a 4 year cohort rate. The calculation lags by one year (i.e., FGI calculations for the 2018-2019 accountability year were based on the 2017 cohort). The timeliness of data submissions now permits a current year calculation. Using a current year calculation will allow us to report the most current data. Proposal: Use the current year cohort data to calculate the FGI
Chronic Absenteeism The long term goal for this indicator is 10% or less of students chronically absent. To calculate chronic absenteeism targets, the average rate of chronic absenteeism was used as the baseline. This resulted in the baseline exceeding the long term goal in many instances. For the 2018-2019 accountability year, 1,349 schools did not meet the chronic absenteeism targets for one or more student groups. To calculate other federal targets, the performance of the school at the 20th percentile of enrollment was used as the baseline. Proposal: Revise the chronic absenteeism targets using the chronic absenteeism rate of the school at the 20th percentile of enrollment as the baseline and the 2017-2018 school year as the baseline year You may want to verify with Jen but I think this is an accurate description of the methodology.
Chronic Absenteeism Targets Baseline Year 2 Targets Year 3 Targets Year 4 Targets Year 5 Targets Year 6 Targets Long Term Goal Assessment Year 2015-2016 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 Accountability Year 2024-2025 All Students 9 15 14 13 12 11 10 Asian students 5 10 Black students 9 16 15 Economically Disadvantaged students 13 21 19 17 English Learners 8 14 Hispanic students Students with Disabilities 14 22 20 18 16 White students
Mathematics Targets The mathematics targets must be updated due to the administration of new mathematics SOL tests in spring of 2019. The methodology to set the targets is not expected to change. VDOE planned to submit the new targets as a technical amendment; however, USED has indicated the targets must be submitted through an amendment. The new targets will not be calculated in time for the June Board meeting, but will be calculated in time for the July Board meeting. Proposal: Present the new mathematics targets for review and approval at the July Board meeting
Possible Plan Updates Title II, Part A Use of funds to support revisions to the teacher performance standards and evaluation system Use of funds from the optional state set-aside for school leadership activities to support principal and school leader training
Next Steps First review of amendment to the Board of Education in June 2019 Solicit public comment Final review of amendment to the Board of Education in July 2019 Submit amendment to USED for approval