AP Language & Composition Reading Footnotes AP Language & Composition
Footnotes Footnotes are one more way to reference sources in a work. They are similar to in-text citations (parenthetical citations) and a works cited page (or bibliography). It is important to understand how to read footnotes to understand the work being referenced.
Footnote Format Footnotes generally appear using the following format: Author’s name, “article title”, title of work (publication location: publisher, date of publication), page numbers.
Format Footnotes generally appear using the following format: Author’s name, “article title” , title of work (publication location: publisher, date of publication), page numbers.
Numerical Superscript One major difference between footnotes and endnotes is the numeral indicator appearing directly after the reference within the text and preceding the footnote itself.
Inserting Footnotes For future reference (like papers in college), footnotes can be added in Microsoft Word by going to the “References” tab and clicking “Insert Footnote”.