Updates on Data versioning updates, Document Management System, MW standards Manik Bali, NOAA-GDWG
Data Versioning-> A thread was initiated on the google group to ascertain member opinion on versioning of products The main conclusions are Classical products would continue to follow the existing versioning Should a member agency wish to follow a versionig of their own they are free to do so provided they document it well and provide this documentation to the GPPA
Document Management Sys A NOAA DMS was presented in annual meeting 2015 in Delhi. ( Ref: see here ) Possible solutions like ENDNOTE and WORLDCAT were presented. At present there is no dire need for such a overarching system
MW Standards MW metadata standards were presented in 2014 Annual Meeting in Delhi Upon a go ahead from GDWG chairs Subsequently these were presented to MW subgroup. The subgroup has accepted the standards. Would be put on wiki once wiki is on umd.