Residual enzymatic activity in media or cell lysates containing 1G244 and titration of 1G244-induced cell death in B6Nlrp1b+ BMDMs. Residual enzymatic activity in media or cell lysates containing 1G244 and titration of 1G244-induced cell death in B6Nlrp1b+ BMDMs. (A, B) BMDMs were mock-treated or received 10 μM of 1G244 for 15 min. Cell lysate (A) and supernatant (B) were analysed for their level of DPP9 inhibition, as described in the Materials and Methods section. (C) B6Nlrp1b+ BMDMs were mock-treated or received 10 μM, 1 μM, or 0.1 μM 1G244 in media containing SG and imaged on an Incucyte platform. The number of positive cells was quantified relative to a Triton X100–treated well considered 100%. Values represent mean ± SD of technical duplicates of a representative experiment from three independent biological repeats. Nathalia M de Vasconcelos et al. LSA 2019;2:e201900313 © 2019 de Vasconcelos et al.