Adult conditional gene deletion of PGC-1α. Adult conditional gene deletion of PGC-1α. A, Experimental schematic of stereotaxic intranigral virus injection and experimental time line. B, Representative GFP and TH-positive immunostaining of midbrain section from SNpc of PGC-1αflox/flox mice injected with AAV-GFP or AAV-Cre-GFP 6 months after the injection of virus. Scale Bar, 100 µm. C, Immunoblots of PGC-1α, SDHA, Tomm20, and β-actin 4 weeks after stereotactic delivery of AAV-GFP and AAV-Cre-GFP into PGC-1αflox/flox mice; n = 3/group. D, Quantification of C normalized to β-actin; n = 3/group. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005. Inj, Injected. Haisong Jiang et al. eneuro 2016;3:ENEURO.0183-16.2016 ©2016 by Society for Neuroscience