How to Write a Research Paper
Introduction Capture your reader’s attention with a question, anecdote, or interesting fact Supply readers with background information on your topic Include a clear thesis statement that gives the answer to your original research question
Thesis Main idea of your report and the answer(s) to your original research question RQ: “How has the use of computers in a fourth-grade class benefited students?” Thesis: “The benefits of using computers in a fourth-grade class are . . .” OR Thesis: “Using computers in a fourth-grade class has improved . . .” RQ: How have the effects of global warming contributed to the endangerment of the spotted frog? Thesis: “The effects of global warming have contributed greatly to the increased endangerment of the spotted frog by creating rapid temperature changes, …”
Body Develop each main point from your outline in a separate body paragraph Support each main point with evidence—facts and details in the form of smoothly integrating direct quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. Make sure you give credit to the author Arrange your main points and evidence in logical order
Conclusion Remind readers of your thesis by restating it in different words Leave your readers with a closing thought—insight into the larger significance of your topic and thesis
Due Date: Handout Outline due Tuesday 5/31