EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since its inception in 2004, 2,180 individuals have graduated from PEP. Texas Economic Impact 189 Businesses 471 Direct Jobs 389 Additional Jobs Supported $46.3M Total Annual Income $67.1M Total Annual Value Added $122.5M Total Annual Output Reducing Recidivism 7% PEP 3-Year Recidivism Rate (2011-2016 Weighted Average) 23% Texas 3-Year Male Recidivism Rate Net Fiscal Impact 794% Five-Year “Return on Investment” $4.3 million in total cost savings to the state and federal government In 2017 Economic Opportunity 100% employed or self-employed within 90 days 361 businesses started by PEP graduates 1 in 4 released PEP graduates start a business $17.17 - $21.19 Avg. hourly wages for PEP graduate employees and entrepreneurs