Vocabulary #6 English 11 Academic
1. antipathy (noun) an intense dislike Synonym: hatred Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
2. elucidate (verb) to make clear and understandable Synonym: explain; clarify Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
3. imminent (adjective) likely to happen; threatening Synonym: approaching Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
4. banal (adjective) common; ordinary Synonym: overused Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
5. obdurate (adjective) stubborn; hardheaded Synonym: inflexible Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
6. peruse (verb) to read very carefully synonym: examine Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
7. bedlam (noun) a noisy uproar; a scene of wild confusion Synonym: chaos Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
8. affluence (noun) wealth; richness Synonym: fortune Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
9. parody (noun) a work ( such as a writing, a picture, a song) which copies another in a comical way Synonym: mockery Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
10. amoral (adjective) lacking a sense of right or wrong Synonym: corrupt; evil Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.