Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development


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Presentation transcript:

Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development European Innovation Partnership „Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability“ Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Context In its Europe 2020 Strategy, the Commission underlines the crucial role of research and innovation in preparing the EU for the future challenges The orientations for “the CAP towards 2020" highlight innovation as being indispensable to prepare Union agriculture for the future The “Budget for Europe 2020" includes a major investment in the CAP section: 4.5 billion Euros for research and innovation in the field of food security, bio-economy and sustainable agriculture The central role of research and innovation is specified in the Europe 2020 flagship initiative entitled "An Innovation Union," which introduced the concept of European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) as a new tool for encouraging innovation

Societal Challenges Increasing food demand (FAO: plus 70% by 2050) Prospect: Increasing food demand (FAO: plus 70% by 2050) Increasing land use competition (bio-mass, bio-energy, nature conservation) and pressures on resources and environment Slow-down of growth technological development Response: Increasing agricultural production and productivity in a sustainable manner (resource efficiency and “public goods”) Acting across the whole supply change (recycling, reduction of post-harvest loss, and new products) Requirements: Major investment into research and innovation

Research Farming Practice Closing The Innovation GAP Research Interaction Farming Practice 4

“Achieving more from less” Objectives Transferring possible innovative approaches and products faster from science to practice Ensuring systematic feedback on needs from practice to science Increasing productivity while ensuring sustainable resource management and environmental preservation Adapting to climate change and contributing to mitigation by reducing emissions of greenhouse gas Promoting a competitive agricultural sector, able to contribute to global food security “Achieving more from less”

Means Rural Development Programmes: Cooperation, including pilot and demonstration projects Business development Knowledge transfer and advisory services Quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs Investment in physical assets European Union Research Policy (Horizon 2020) Applied research enhancing the knowledge base Clusters of applied innovation actions and multi-stakeholder projects Support innovation brokers and innovation centres

Network Function of the EIP Interlinking innovation-related actions of Rural Development Policy and the Union Research and Innovation Framework Ensuring an effective flow of information and providing advice to partners about the opportunities provided by EU policies Exchange on best practice and accompanying research Systematic feedback about practice needs to the scientific community Exchange with European Technology Platforms (ETPs), European Research Area Networks (ERA-NETs), Joint Programming Initiatives, and other relevant fora Interface function of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Research SCAR Interaction with Water EIP rural network

Possible Themes Primary production: technical solutions to increasing productivity and economic viability Resource management: eco-system services, soil functionality, water management, and genetic resources (“public goods”) Bioeconomy: innovative technology for the bio-based economy; recyling; new products; reduction of post harvest loss Supply chain: integrated supply chain solutions; innovation in products and services, logistics, and management systems Quality and consumers: food quality, food safety, and healthy lifestyles (consumer information and consumer choice) 8 8

EIP Network: Farmers Advisors Enterprises Researchers NGOs etc. Research & Innovation Framework: Applied research Multi-actor Pilot projects Innovation brokers Steering Board European Innovation Partnership ‚Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability ‘ EIP Network: Farmers Advisors Enterprises Researchers NGOs etc. Standing Committee on Agricultural Research Rural Development Network Steering Group Horizon 2020 Programming ETPs, ERA-Nets, JPIs, etc. Rural Development Committee Rural Development Policy: Knowledge transfer Cooperation Advisory services Investment Operational Groups Operational Groups Member States Programmes

Additional information - Communication on agricultural EIP : COM (2012) 79 - Rural development proposal 2014-2020: Proposal „Horizon 2020“:

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