Programme Approach for FTFP and FTFP II FTPP/FTFP WORKSHOP Bishkek, 14 – 16 December 2015 FAO
Why Programme Approach? To increase impact - by mapping of similar and parallel activities, by other funding sources - by mapping together programme of FTFP and FTPP II as two wings of the same building - by creating synergy, avoiding duplication of efforts
What does it mean, in practical terms No major change to FTPP I Projects are still recognized as projects Operational Framework will be a product adopted jointly by all stakeholders, meeting every party’s requirement
What does a common Results Matrix look like FTPP Focal areas Country Priority (CPF/UNDAF) Strategic Objective RIs Country Priorities (CPF/UNDAF) FTFP Focal areas Food Security and Nutrition FO Management Food Safety FO Product + Ecosystem Service Agriculture and Rural Development Environment, Wildlife and Biodiversity NRM Governance Agril Policy Monitoring + Reporting SLM and Climate Change Drought Impact Mitigation LD UNDAF, UNDCS, National Strategies and Documents Cross-cutting areas (Gender, Climate Change, Governance)
Why a common Results Matrix ? align with major thematic areas of FTPP/FTFP; in line with CPF priorities link to FAO Strategic Objectives (SOs) and Regional Initiatives (RIs)
Added Value of Programming Approach Address multi-focal areas, priority at larger geographical areas Flexibility to make necessary modifications as new information emerges during implementation Sustainability of effective interventions at larger scales Programmatic approach reduces operational and financial cost on both FAO and donor side 30 Nov 2015 FTPP/FTFP WORKSHOP
Challenges Involves high level of engagement between programme planners, implementing agency, donor, stakeholders and partners, policy makers, and recipient countries, including communities and targeted groups More complex operational framework, results matrix, indicators .etc 30 Nov 2015 FTPP/FTFP WORKSHOP
Minimum agreement among parties Reporting requirement – at what level? Approvals – of the entire Results Matrix, or by project, with simplified procedure? How often should there be review?
Thank you 30 Nov 2015 FTPP/FTFP WORKSHOP