Conclusions from Wiesbaden 7-8 November 2017 - Luxembourg SG/TF SERV Meetings Conclusions from Wiesbaden 7-8 November 2017 - Luxembourg
Tools MMM (Modernisation Maturity Model) from UNECE assess mastery and usage of modernstats standards Service Catalogue Good central tool, features could be expanded to foster collaboration (using notifications as a tool), build a community approach (forums) and be a single point of entry from inception to end of life. Not yet released, behind schedule.
Community models .stat Market place Built a community, enforces standards, evolved its architecture, roadmap and delivery lifecycle. Market place Where offer and demand meet. Could foster community building.
Outputs How to start How OSS can help Next services Presentation of guidelines, identification of blocking points for adoption How OSS can help With a focus on specificities of OSS and related attention points Next services A list of possible follow-up services for implementation prioritised for the ESS