obsequious: adjective definition: characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference fawning
s obsequious pronunciation: uhb-see-kwee-uhs
s obsequious related forms: adverb obsequiously noun obsequiousness
obsequious synonyms flattering toadying submissive sycophantic fawning obedient
obsequious The obsequious wait staff worked hard to please their customers.
obsequious A gentleman should always be polite but never obsequious to a lady.
obsequious Obsequious behavior can be embarrassing.
obsequious The obsequious man slithered down the hall on his belly, hoping his boss would reconsider the decision to fire him.
obsequiously obsequiously The boy in the red shirt begged his friend to finish painting the room for him.
obsequiously To ask for a favor is acceptable, but to beg for one obsequiously can be offensive.
obsequiousness obsequiousness The political cartoon parodied the of Congress.