Primary School Liturgy
Ehara taku toa I te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini My achievements and strengths are not those of the individual, but those of the many
Members of One Body Romans 12:5-8 There are many of us, but we are each part of the body of Christ, as well as part of one another. Image Credit: Pinterest
God has also given each of us different gifts to use. If we can prophesy, we should do it according to the amount of faith we have. If we can serve others, we should serve.
If we can teach, we should teach. If we can encourage others, we should encourage them.
If we can give, we should be generous. If we are leaders, we should do our best. If we are good to others, we should do it cheerfully.
Reader: This is the Word of the Lord All: Thanks be to God
What do we need to be happy?
Does happiness depend on being the best at learning?
... Or sport?
When do I feel the most happy? Credit: Wikimedia Commons (Top-right image)
When someone takes the time to talk with me?
When someone includes me in a game?
When someone helps me with my homework?
When I'm with someone I love?
Loving God, We live in a world where not everyone knows you and loves you. In a world where people sometimes do not show love for each other. Help us to show kindness and love to all our friends and family and even to those we do not know.
Give us a spirit of love, cooperation, togetherness and unity and help us to consider the needs of all; Knowing that we are all different and have different gifts and personalities.
Build us up together in a spirit of co-operation and grace, knowing that we are being skillfully fitted together, by God, to be united as a loving family.
Help us to faithfully serve you and one another, remembering that everyone has a part to play. Amen.
Credits: Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Ryanne Lai,