Professional Development Technology inventive thinking • digital-age literacies • effective communication • high productivity Professional Development Technology
Our students are Digital Natives Changing technology is the norm and expected. internet, social networking, MP3, cell phones Anytime, anywhere when it comes to information access, collaboration and communication. Our teachers are Digital Immigrants Changing technology is sometimes too fast. Interactive whiteboards, online courses, digital media Adopt new techniques and tools but still retain familiar habits.
Technology Rich @ Colonial Colonial’s ever-changing landscape is collaborative, extremely interactive and encourages:
A Vision for Professional Development in Technology
Instructional Goals of the Technology Staff Developer Create and provide continuous and high quality professional development. To explore and carry out ways in which we can support classroom teachers as they integrate technology with instruction. Help to build a network of technology proficient and driven teachers and teams across all disciplines.
Standard Cycle
Leaders in the Classroom Tailored by Building Culture Technology Resource Teachers Master Teachers and Department Heads Technology Integration Specialists Math and Reading Resource Specialists Technology Savvy Classroom teachers Building level support for technical procedures and instructional use of tools in the classroom. Teacher leaders who demonstrate exemplary professional skills in classroom teaching or in an educational specialty. Specialist teachers instructing courses that directly incorporate technology skills and applications. Content experts and co-teachers in the building who push into classrooms and meet with teachers regarding the curriculum. Proficient and “naturals” when it comes to integrating technology effectively into the classroom serving as a model for other teachers on their team.
Technology Integration is.. effective when it supports curricular goals and is aligned with standards effectively to actively engage students. achieved when technology is routine and transparent. the use of digital media and collaboration tools in daily classroom practices and management.
Designing Rich Lessons Using Technology Effective uses of technology and 21st century skills occur in the context of rigorous and relevant academic content. This means that the technology is purposely used and incorporated into the curriculum/lesson to extend and enhance the learning. Effective use of technology in the classroom will lead to optimal instruction and student learning.
Matching the Technology to the Standards NETS AASL PA State Standards
Tracking Training Staff Development Log TSD Log Data: Name, Building, Topic, Time, Tier, Developer, Next Steps
Assessing Technology Colonial’s Technology Tiers of Proficiency
The Future Strong Professional Development Program to Endure Colonial’s Online Course Technology Module for professional staff is integrated and highly effective. Technology coach in addition to the Technology Resource Teacher in each building will focus on integrating district technology initiatives tailored to building culture.
230 Flourtown Road Plymouth meeting, PA 19462 610-834-1670 Andrew Boegly Chief Information Officer extension: 2129 TC Boegly Colonial Elementary School Principal extension: 2230 Michael Cavallaro Network Supervisor extension: 2168 Jerome Joyce Technology Staff Developer extension: 2131 Steve Price Technology Staff Developer extension: 2126 Julie Pustilnick Reading Resource Teacher extension: 2421 Kevin Willson Technology Integration Teacher extension: 2335 230 Flourtown Road Plymouth meeting, PA 19462 610-834-1670