Fig. 4 Temporal-mode selective pulse retrieval using ac Stark pulses. Temporal-mode selective pulse retrieval using ac Stark pulses. (A) Schematic spectral configuration of two Stark pulses with respect to the AFC comb. The symmetric, far-detuned Stark pulses induce uniform compression of the AFC.(B) Stark pulses cause an additional delay in echo retrieval times. (C) Measured AFC echoes with increasing photon number in 16-ns Stark pulses. Here Δst = 1 GHz and Δ = 13.3 MHz. The blue shaded area overlays the echo envelope with no Stark pulses. (D) AFC echo delay against Stark pulse intensity. A linear fit (red dashed line) corresponds to 50 ps per photon. (E) Decrease of AFC echo efficiency with Stark pulse intensity, caused by AFC distortion resulting from inhomogeneous Stark shifts in the nanocavity. Tian Zhong et al. Science 2017;357:1392-1395 Copyright © 2017 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works