Major developments in regional statistics Statistics Norway (SN) is coordinator of a consortium for an ESSnet project on grid statistics and preparations for use of GIS in the 2010/2011 censuses SN has been worked with enhancing and generalising methods for handling confidentiality issues in grid statistics. This work is expected to be finished by autumn 2010 SN are preparing the register based census in 2011 by using the place of formal residence, and will also try to identify place of usual residence in the census statistics SN will coordinate the production and publication of household statistics and dwelling statistics, using the address on place of usual residence to link persons to dwellings. This will result in quality improved estimates for occupied and un-occupied dwellings The work with the Cadastre and the Geodatabase is now about to be finalised. This geodatabase will be the common platform for SN where geographical data will be joined with and related to SN’s statistical registers. The most important geodatasets are cadastre-, land cover-, road network and other thematic data from Norge Digital (Norwegian national infrastructure for geographic information)
Major developments in regional statistics A new nomenclature on land use categories has been established and will be published. From the work on interpretation of satellite data for identifying green areas, parking lots and other open spaces, the experiences are that: Current accessible imagery can not be used in delineating these areas in a resource effective way for the whole country and results can only to a limited degree be incorporated in the land use statistics The new statistics, access to recreational areas and local touring grounds, is under development. This work will also include indicators for the Urban Audit The annual UA was completed in October 2009. The exhaustive UA2010 is a work in progress. The first deliveries was transmitted to Eurostat 30 August 2010